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Mel Gibson Gets Dumped

After 28 years of marriage, Mel Gibson's wife Robyn has filed for divorce. With no prenup to be found, the father of seven who is worth an estimated $900 million, according to an article in the December 1, 200...
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Tall, Dork and Handsome

With Observe and Report, starring fuzzy teddy bear Seth Rogen, opening tonight, and I Love You, Man and Adventureland already lighting up silver screens across the nashe, this weekend's box office offers cinema...
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First Iowa, Then Manhattan?

As soon as we saw the news about Iowa legalizing same sex marriage, we knew it was coming, and lo and behold, just a few days later, Vermont follows suit. Let's be clear, we have no problem with gays, but we th...
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Damn That’s A Big Ass, Controversy

Let's first of all get some conflict of interest issues out of the way: Yes, Streit's has been a longtime advertiser in Heeb. And yes, Heeb's own associate director of business David Kelsey was involved in the ...
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Obama Hosts First Ever White House Seder

On Thursday, President Obama will host a Passover seder for friends and family. This will mark the first Presidential seder ever to be held in the White House. We're looking forward to photos of Sasha and Malia...
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Kevin Smith at the Vail Film Festival

Director Kevin Smith picked up the Renegade Award at the Vail Film Festival this past weekend. After an acceptance speech consisting of an epic monologue about breaking a toilet he was sitting on, he held a Q&a...
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SXSW Recap II, More Recappier

Friday:Maybe you guys have heard of this metal band named Metallica? Well, they came to Austin, Texas this year for their big break, and after having seen them play Stubb's, I am confident that they'll be huge....
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Perry Farrell Shills For Chabad

I don't even know what to say about this YouTube video of Perry Farrell singing Oseh Shalom, except you're welcome. At the 2:43 mark, a small child wanders on stage to chill with Perry and groove with that swee...
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Robert Crumb’s Bible Controversy

On Wednesday, Robert Crumb's UK Publisher described the cartoonist's long-awaited rendition on the Book of Genesis as a "scandalous satire" and sure to "provoke the religious right". Four ye...