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Holocaust Museum Redux in HD, 3D and Plasma

Israel opens a new Holocaust Museum offering an ultra-glitzy multi-media approach to the Holocaust, complete with simulated death camp train ride, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising sound effects, and kick-ass Yellow Star laser light show..
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Chosen: Crimes and Misdemeanors

Daughter-rapist Rabbi Weingarten gets visits from the Ortho community, the head of an Israeli burial society is murdered over grave site shortage, and ultra-Ortho mother of eight goes to jail for grand larceny.
Monotonix featured

Chosen Music: Monotonix

Ami Shalev of the Israeli band Monotonix sits down with Heeb to talk about the group's forthcoming album, death and being banned from playing in (most of) Israel.

Chosen: Crimes and Misdemeanors

An Israeli rabbi says gentile sperm makes "barbaric" children, ultra-Orthodox rabbis declare a convicted child rapist innocent and the most liberal Orthodox rabbinic group in the world refuses to admit women as members.