Food for Thought

Given that the Jewdar family is about to make a trip the Holy Land for the elder Jewdar boy's bar mitzvah, we have been following with some interest the recent controversy over rising cottage cheese prices.

Tit For Tat

As thousands of Syrians flee to Turkey, as refugee camps fill in on both sides of the border, and as reports are coming out that armed men (presumably from the Syrian government) are preventing the Red Crescent from entering the camps on the Syrian side, it seems like a golden opportunity for Israel.

But He Plays One in the Movies

We'd thought for sure that Aronofsky would hook up first, and with a Jewess, if only because he packed Black Swan with so many (Portman, Kunis, Ryder) you'd think it was a JDate promo.

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

A non-Jew goes on a bad vacation, it simply becomes something they mention among their friends when the subject of vacations comes up; a Jew has a bad vacation, it becomes cause for an outpouring of angst about their relationship to the Jewish state.

Alice in Wonderland

We won't try and top British author Howard Jacobson's op-ed piece on the matter (and we highly recommend his truly funny book, The Finkler Question), but reading Walker's delusions of piety, we were reminded of what she had to say about Osama bin Laden after 9/11

Worth a Second Look

There’s something about a t-shirt that says “Looking for Mr. Rightberg” or “Does This Shirt Make Me Look Jewish?” that just makes Jewdar feel all warm and Jewy inside.