So this morning, Jewdar is watching Good Day, New York, and hostess Rosanna Scotto starts discussing the news that Mel Gibson’s sons are taking legal steps to secure their inheritance now that their still-married and more Catholic than the Pope dad has knocked up his girlfriend. After pointing out that this sort of canoodling was definitely not in keeping with Catholic doctrine, Scotto–who’d appeared in Gibson’s film Ransom–was perhaps feeling she was too harsh, and interjected "I like Mel."
That, at least, is what she thought she was saying. But what we, and we presume, many listeners heard, was "I like the world’s foremost non-Farsi speaking Holocaust denying antisemite." Who knows what kind of damage an endorsement of hate like this can do?
Don’t get us wrong, we love Rosanna Scotto, and are sure both that she would never intentionally endanger the Jews and that Newscorp is completely humorless and extremely litigious. Our real beef isn’t with her hate-filled diatribe, but with the people who are supposed to be protecting us from such things. While Scotto is inadvertently laying the foundations for a pogrom, what is Abe Foxman doing? Playing with dolls. Put down your dollies, Mr. Foxman. The Jews need you.
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