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McCain Dances

Attempting to disassociate himself with uber conservative religious values, John McCain has recently decided to reject an endorsement from Pastor John Hagee, a religious leader who openly said that Hitler was f...
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Drecks and the City

Jewdar is perfectly ready to lambaste our haredi brethren when they deserve it, so it only seems fair to heap kudos upon their black hats when they've done something good. They kept the Gloved One from getting ...
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Eastern Promises

Amy Winehouse flies to Israel and checks herself into a "renowned" addiction treatment program. I always thought that "Promised Land" sounded like a rehab clinic. ...
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You’re So Vein

You can thank Judd Apatow for reintroducing the penis to the big screen. Last year, Apatow announced his goal to show at least one male member in every film he makes and so far has made good on that promise. Hi...
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Make Porn, Not War

After discovering it becomes very difficult to talk about "launching a rocket into the Gaza Strip" or "an occupier pullout" without bursting into an uncontrollable fit of giggles. The Israeli based...
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Nicht Nicht

On the heels of California's getting down with same-sex marriages, comedian Sascha Baron Cohen (as gay fashionista Bruno) decided to go after the Governator himself for the sexy details. Unfortunately, when app...
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Jewish American Pastime?

Before this year's baseball season started, we predicted that the ill-fated Chicago Cubs would go to the World Series for the first time in 70 years. Nearly two months into the season, they lead the National Le...
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Non-Violent Resistance?

The Palestinian News Network has released a non-comprehensive list of twenty options-- "besides surrender"-- that Palestinians can choose from 60 years after Nakba, or the "day of catastrophe.&qu...
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Remember this Name: Noa Babayof

In recent months I have found myself being drawn more and more into the new wave of indie music coming out of Israel. But nothing has captured my attention quite like Israeli singer/songwriter Noa Babayof. On ...
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What Are You, Stoned?

The original tablets from the 1956 Charlton Heston classic The Ten Commandments will be auctioned off on July 31st as part of a movie memorable sale in Los Angeles. These props, considered to be among Hollywood...

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