McCain Dances

Attempting to disassociate himself with uber conservative religious values, John McCain has recently decided to reject an endorsement from Pastor John Hagee, a religious leader who openly said that Hitler was fulfilling God’s will. He has also rejected an endorsement from Pastor Rod Parsley, who claimed that Islam was "Anti-Christ." McCain has yet to reject disgraced U.S. Senator Larry Craig, a long-time supporter of both John and Rod.

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7 Responses

  1. iconic

    Hagee has been renounced by McCain, but is still tight with Joe Lieberman.
    Traitor Joe will headline Hagee’s “Christians United for Israel ” Summit, in D.C. this July.

  2. Hesed

    Right, everyone must be raked over the coals and forced to denounce the religious assholes in their camps….except when it comes to douchbag supreme, Pat Robertson, who McCain got down on bended-knee for an endorsement. Apparently it’s not OK to infer Hi

  3. iconic

    These “religious assholes” seem to get a pass, if they don’t happen to be labeled as someones personal spiritual mentor. It’s like then, their shit doesn’t stick.

  4. mrnhghts

    Hesed wrote,

    “But its still OK to assert that God made 9/11 happen because of queers and feminists (Robertson) “

    The idea that queers were responsible is indeed a totally asinine idea, there is no motive, and ground zero was way too close to Chel


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