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We have nothing but love for our "Money Issue": coverboy Jeremy Piven, but even we can't help but ask: Is he "on a mission": to be the most...
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No Matzoh

Passover's just around the corner and you know what that means: Time for "crazy rabbis": to bake matzoh in a c...
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Up Against the Wal

What to do when reports circulate that 46 percent of the children of your employees are uninsured or on Medicaid? Hire the guy who told Michael Dukakis to ride around in a tank to do your PR. Jeffrey Goldberg o...
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Staff Infection

Not since Moses parted its waters, has anybody fucked with the Red Sea like this. Our friends at "_Treehugger.com_": report on the Israeli government's "plan to to build a 200 kilometer ch...
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The MC Paul Barman Show

Can you believe it's been five years since a shaggy, Brown-educated "MC Paul Barman": boasted "My dandy voice makes the most anti-choice granny's panties moist"? He's still a mangy m...
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Image Unconscious

"Israel is viewed as a very macho society," David Saranga (the head honcho of media and public affairs at Israel's consulate in New York) tells "_The Jerusalem Post_.":
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Triumph of the Ill

We missed them at SXSW, but a couple of months ago, _Heeb_ rabbinic authority Berel B introduced us to "The Whitest Kids U' Know": at Piano's. Tonight, their new series debuts on...
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Hasidic Hijinx

You may recognize some of the faces from our "Hanukkah hijacking of the Mitzvah Tank": _Heeb_ Founder Jennifer Bleyer goes inside the only religious movement ever named...
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_Heeb_ at SXSW (The Hangover)

Woke up in bed with "JDub": Director of Marketing, Elliot Fox (a perfect gentleman). Managed to stagger out to the street and find a cab to the "Kerbey Lane Café ":http://www.kerbeyl...
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_Heeb_ at SXSW (People Watching)

Other than music and Tex-Mex, people watching is probably the most enjoyable pastime at SXSW. Our friends at "Smith Magazine": have posted a hyster...
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_Heeb_ at SXSW (Times New Viking)

While "Lily Allen":, " Amy Winehouse": and "The Good, The Bad & The Queen": generated the largest crowds and t...