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Mork Calling Friedman

It seems that comic and Heeb Storytelling-alum Jena Friedman has found a new fan in Robin Williams. The 50-something-year old funnyman saw Friedman perform last Friday and Saturday nights before performing at h...
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Schein Language

Last week's Forward had a story chronicling the animal rights work of Hannah and Philip Schein, PETA employees who met at a Hillel in the late 90s. Apparently, the two have found a niche investigating kosher sl...
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Greedy wi-fi owners got you down? Well, the good people at Lifehacker will show you how to level the playing field versus Barnes & Noble and Starbucks. Essentially the technique tricks the host network int...
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A Bouncing Baby Boy!

For those of you who consider circumcising babies to be a barbaric practice, what are your thoughts on baby dropping?Apparently, these folks in western India have been practicing the ritual for more than 500 ye...
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_Have You Know Shame?_

Join Rachel Shukert and Heeb Magazine as they celebrate the launch of Have You No Shame? And Other Regrettable Stories (Villard), tonight at Black and White Bar (86 East 10th Street, New York, NY 10003) on T...
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Breath Mint

After failing in 2006, magician David Blaine finally made good on his promise to break the world's record for breath-holding. Blaine submerged himself in a sphere of water for 17 minutes and 4 seconds on Oprah ...
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Spitzer Girl Gone Wild

Because the Elliott Spitzer media circus wasn't enough, the call girl in the middle, Ashley Alexandra Dupre, is now suing "Girls Gone Wild" creator Joe Francis for more than $10 million in damages. A...
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Scarlett Fever

Scarlett Johansson's album of Tom Waits covers, Anywhere I Lay My Head, hits May 20. Here's the video for the first single, "Falling Down." TV on the Radio's Dave Sitek, who produced the track, is a f...
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Forget Miley. It’s Annie Leibovitz Topless!!!

Unless you've been hiding inside a cave in Afghanistan, you know that Disney ingénue Miley Cyrus is "embarrassed" after being photographed "topless" for the cover of Vanity Fair. Yawn.Actually, she wasn't exac...
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The Longest Trip

L.S.D. was sort of the Omega-3 of the 1960s.Anyway, Albert Hoffman, it's creator, died at his hilltop home in Switzerland on Tuesday. Hoffman, who took dozens of acid trips himself, was 102. And he didn't smell...
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Polish Joke

Prince Charles may never wear the crown, but he does look stellar in a yarmulke. Britain's favorite crusty ambassador and his second banana wife, Camilla, are giving the royal blessing (and the accompanying roy...