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Daily Links

Ode to aFart (Miss Cellania)  The Evolution of the Modern Blockbuster: Part 1 (L Magazine) The Top 20 Jewish Comedians of All-Time (Mental Floss) Save the Millionaires (Paranoid Larry) From The A...
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_Curb_ Appeal

(Video after the jump) After his foray into film with Woody Allen, Larry David is back at HBO (season 7 premieres September 7) milking the Curb series for it's last drop of neurotic goodness. The brilliant prom...
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Updated: Leave Bernie Alone!

Since his arrest for running a Ponzi scheme in December 2008, 70-year-old Bernard Madoff has suffered everything from death threats to small penis accusations. Well, it seems the stresses of being most the hat...
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_The 99_: New Muslim Superheroes Get TV Deal

Forget Wonder Woman and her whorish crime fighting bustier. This fall birka-wearing Batina the Hidden is hitting the British airwaves in The 99 and she has no time for S&M truth lassos and lascivious twirls...
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Bernie Madoff: Future Prison Bitch?

According to Madoff mistress Sheryl Weinstein's new book, Madoff's Other Secret: Sex, Money, Bernie, and Me, Mr. Ponzi himself is a "good kisser" but "not so well-endowed." Not the kind of i...
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Neo-Nazis Keep on Trucking

Two German losers are being charged for hanging a pig's head from the Star of David on the entrance gate at one Jewish cemetary and pouring pig's blood over a memorial plaque at another in eastern German city o...
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Alec Baldwin Has No Use For Joe Lieberman

Yesterday Senator Joe Lieberman let CNN know that he was prepared to take on a challenge for his senate seat by 30 Rock star Alec Baldwin in 2012. In this month's Playboy Magazine, the actor revealed his polit...
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Greatest Movie Overlooked

While everyone and their mama shat their pants this weekend over what's arguably the most exciting goddamn movie of the year, the criminally underrated Bobcat Goldthwait quietly opened another one of his brilli...
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Daily Links

Terrible Celebrity Endorsement Ideas (Screen Junkies)Early Bird Special: Are your pants winking or are you just happy to see me or both? (The Daily What) A Truly EvilPerson (Miss Cellania)Weekend Box Office: Ba...
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_Basterd_ Links

Basterds's Dame Melanie Laurent (Screen Junkies) Inglourious Basterds — If I have to explain to youwhat this movie is about, then I'm sorry about that coma you just recovered from. (Film Drunk)Top 10 Movie Nazi...

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