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Because We Need More Menorah Songs

One thing I'm consistently grateful for is how, every year, there's some band that contributes to popular culture by musically reminding us just how fun the Festival of Lights can be. And if they do it with a c...
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Gay Scientists Locate Christian Gene

For years, gay scientists have been researching the cause of Christianity. A news report on CNNN announced that the Christian gene had been located - a major breakthrough in their research, and proof that it is...
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Balkan Beat Box: The _Heeb_ Interview

The three main members of Balkan Beat Box—Tomer Yosef (vocals and percussion), Ori Kaplan (saxophones) and Tamir Muskat (drums and programming)—are Israeli Jews who grew up exposed to jazz, Eastern European fol...
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Rugel Rouser

Given that over twenty people in the Philippines were "beheaded and mutilated" by anarchistic meshugs just a couple hours ago, this probably isn't the best time to revel in some jokey, politically cha...
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Link Round Up

Guac N' Mole (Nachos NY)Dickhead With A Clicker (The Daily What) Jas' Of Base (YouTube)No Mo' Coke Fo' Rebbe...Or Whores (Luke Ford)A Conversion Deferred (FailedMessiah)...'Till The Fat Lady Sings (Flavorwire)G...

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