Obama on Israeli Settlements: Hurts So Good

Though the Obama Administration has been super supportive of your favorite Rhode Island-sized country, it recently seemed to change its tone.

The backstory? Netanyahu agrees to a temporary freeze on settlement construction, but apparently only means the settlements in the West Bank. "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to construct an additional 700 apartments in East Jerusalem is another blow to stalled peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians," rebuked the White House press secretary.

But President Obama seems to have softened on the issue, once again renewing the infamous cycle these allies have with one another of quareling, then drunk-dialing, then having really hot make-up sex.

When asked about potential repercussions of Israel failing to adhere to the construction freeze, Pres. Obama said: "I think it is important not to assume the worst, but to assume the best" sounding like an American teenage girl who hooks up with an Israeli soldier on her teen tour.

What do you think?

About The Author


Dana Makover is an expert on both Israeli tits and ass. She enjoys peach pie, open toe shoes and dating for sport.

23 Responses

  1. Puck

    Ah I remember when I hooked up with an Israeli Soldier on my teen tour…memories.
    The idea that any state or states would tolerate a sub-divided capital city is absurd…East Jerusalem is a part of Israel now…spoils of war.

  2. Norman_Fell

    I remember when I hooked up with Helen. I believe it was 1974. Blech.

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