Nathan Frank

In this week’s “_New York_ Magazine profile of Rudy Giuliani’s third wife, Judith Nathan,”: Lloyd Grove captures a couple that can’t seem to keep their hands off each other. We’re not talking about the scripted face-sucking that the Gores forced us to take in at the 2000 Democratic National Convention. Rudy and Judi really are like a couple of teenagers. But, nestled amid the lovey-dovey feature come these tidbits:

“Bruce [Nathan’s ex-hubby], in his own court filings, claimed that Judi had kidnapped their child and branded her an ‘unfit mother’ and a ‘social climber’… Whether it was belonging to ‘the right church’ by converting from Catholicism to Presbyterian; playing bridge with the ‘right people’ … enrolling Whitney [the then couple’s skinnier and less obnoxious version of “Andrew”:] at the ‘right schools’ …. wearing designer clothes and jewelry; and vacationing at the fashionable Hamptons.”

“And while ‘I maintained my Jewish heritage,’ Bruce alleged that ‘my wife thought nothing of physically and mentally abusing me within Whitney’s earshot.’ When he couldn’t afford something, she referred to him as ‘Jew boy’ and other slurs.”

All of this got me to thinking….If ever Rudy and Judi do need a little something to spice up their sex lives, I think we have just the “perfect gift”: for them.

What do you think?

About The Author

Josh became an editor-at-large after accruing exorbitant legal fees as the publisher of Heeb in his efforts to trademark the word "irreverent." Follow him on Twitter @joshuaneuman.

2 Responses

  1. KabAshraf

    The liberal kikes who think they’re so smart and so intellectual will do anything possible to make sure that Hillary Rodupherass Cliton or B. Hussein Obama are elected. The kikes love stirring up shit with their liberal bullshit. Conservatives respect a

  2. JanFran

    No one knows if Judi Nathan Guiliani said those things or not. It’s her word against his. Anyways, why don’t the liberals get upset about all the anti-Jewish things Hillary R. Clinton has done? Why the double standard?


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