Jerry Falwell Finally Stops Evangelizing

We’re sure gonna miss you, Cousin Jerry. See you in Heaven. That is, if they let us in, wink, wink.

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The international media conspiracy and/or the new Jew review. Take your pick.

13 Responses

  1. david

    As far as I can tell, the only difference is the purple coloring. And Falwell had bigger jowls. Too soon?

  2. KabAshraf

    I guess maybe because my ancestors lived as Jews for centuries under Muslim oppression and dhimmitude I have better things to do than insult Jerry Falwell. The man was entitled to his beliefs and never called for killing anyone. You dumb, liberal, pussy

  3. JanFran

    Jerry Falwell was a true and steadfast friend of Israel. Even if you didn’t agree with him (and I didn’t on many, many things…) he never advocated violence against anyone. I wish liberals could just stop being so hateful!

  4. Hesed

    If only he were the last American philistine, then there’d be cause to celebrate. Mullah with a cross, complete with his own terrorist bomber at his funeral. I feel the same sense of loss at his death as I did for Zarqawi. Now if a tornado would raize tha

  5. svoogle

    Jerry Falwell was a disgusting bigot, and I am glad he is gone from the face of earth. But calling him a mullah with a cross just shows that you have no fucking clue what is going on in the world outside the US.
    Yes, evangelical Christians have their own

  6. Hesed

    No, it shows that I’m more concerned with the religious extremists in my own back yard as opposed to the ones on the other side of the planet. I’m an American, not an Israeli.

    Terrorsist can blow up a train station or fly planes into buildings but the

  7. arikira

    The point which Hesed raises is important. How many of us see ourselves as Americans first, Jews second? I suppose I see myself as myself first, human second, an American third, and a Jew fourth. As such, I am primarily concerned with my own survival (as

  8. Puck

    What has fundamentalist christianity done that’s so bad?
    Let’s see, the inquisition, the dark ages, the witch burnings, the crusades, abortion clinic bombings, the KKK, inciting hatred and violence against gays, jews, women, muslims, the invasion of Iraq

  9. arikira

    Very classy, “Puck”.

    When we talk about Christian Fundamentalism, we’re talking about American Christian fundamentalism — Falwell and his ilk — not about the Roman Catholic church of 500-some years ago. I think that is quite clear from the context of t

  10. Puck

    Lol…great argument, the majority of Christians are Catholic, your attempt to remove them from the equation is as bizarre as it is illogical.
    But let’s look at American Christian fundamentalists hmm…George Dubya springs to mind, all that talk of ‘crusa


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