Ahh the Hanukkah parody. Truly the gifts that keep on giving, long after you’ve politely asked them to stop, stop, please dear god stop already
That said, there’s a right way, and a wrong way to do a Hanukkah parody. And, in the case of Screen Junkies‘ Jewish Elf, they mostly got it right. Sure, it occasionally falls back on the same cliches everyone uses: A sprinkle of yiddish here, a dash of whiny complaining there, and voila – Hanukkah parody. Hey, it’s a busy season. I understand.
Dig a little deeper though, and there are some genuine laughs here. And, as someone who’s actually chugged a full bottle of Manischewitz (College was a strange and confusing time for me) well, my heart goes out to star and Screen Junkies host Hal Rudnick who, rather than getting drunk, is more likely to collapse in a diabetic coma.
So, what the hell. A Hanukkah Elf? Why not?
yawn …