Take a look at the array of ads found in the first section of today’s New York Times to mark Fashion Week and the anniversary of 9/11. What makes the Louis Vuitton ad different from all the others?

Apparently, the folks at Louis Vuitton don’t truck with that "I Love America" shit.

Well, I guess I’m supposed to be filled with righteous moral outrage or something… Right? I mean, I’m sure that somewhere out there Glen Beck just climaxed over the fact that a French fashion company that hawks overpriced man sandals is aiding and abetting the enemy (“It’s a veritable shoe to the face of the American public!”). But, honestly, I’m having a little trouble with my patriotic duty to give a shit.
I agree. We need to show LV what its like to have low sales for 6 months because Americans stopped by their shoes. personal grants
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The entire world expressed it’s empathy at the time, but given the fact that America would not stop acting like the caricature of itself and immediately marched off to invade…….Iraq(?) a disinterested non player in 9/11, shows that you need to be care
Louis Vitton doesn’t seem to be honoring 9/11 like the other ads. All they care about is selling thier shoes. Shameful.
Geez, it happened, get over it…the rest of the world has.
Barely rated a mention in the media here.