From the Inbox: “God is a Deep Fryer”

(full correspondence after the jump)

Sometimes we get pitches so stellar, we can’t not fuck with them. In this case, it seems a Heeb employee named D. Fisher (apparently fronting as our beloved Israeli folk singer) kept up an email thread with writer Adam (last name removed).

This future Pulitzer Prize winner would like to write an article about the link between quantum physics, latkes and. . .I don’t know what.

Some might think it’s mean to string along a struggling hopeful like this, but, hey, at least he got published. . .(click for larger image)


What do you think?

About The Author

Schmaltzy the Cat

20 Responses

  1. deva14

    Kinda tacky. And in fairness to the kid, his initial idea was a lot less wacky than the one he was fed by your staffer. Isn’t that, like, literary entrapment or something?

  2. Esther

    I don’t even get why you think you could do that to someone?
    Do you really get so many pitches by people who fit your demo?
    And what is the demo really…
    “Modern Othodox’ish, Gay but Kosher, Sexually Active Shomer Shabbat, Daddy’s paying my rent in W

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