Fifty Shades of (Israeli) Grey

“My inner goddess makes aliyah, and I feel like the first immigrant stepping foot on the homeland.”

Get ready for the most erotic list of Israeli buzz-words you’ve ever heard. That’s right, if you get turned on by Jewish stereotypes and light sadomasochism, then dim the lights, light a candle, and get ready to drill the oil out of your own sweet homeland. Comedy troupe HaHafuch offers a sabra version of the erotic classic in – Fifty Shades of Israel.

Check it out:

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About The Author


Megan Sass is a natural redhead. She is also a writer, actor, and Hebrew School teacher. Turn-ons include: Boxer Dogs, Falafel, and Fanboys (especially those residing in the capital of the DC Universe). You can follow her on twitter at @Megan_Sass.

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