For a gay, bald, chubby Jew, Matt Lucas is pretty comfortable in his own skin. Then again, the actor/comedian is perhaps better known for the multitude of other skins he inhabits in his BBC hit show _Little Bri...
The revolution's gonna be graphic-novelized. In his Vertigo/DC monthly comic book, _Army@Love_, comiconoclast Rick Veitch drops subversive sci-fi-satire bombs. A collection of the first six issues, _Army@Love V...
It's nearly the weekend after "Rosh Hashana": and if our unanswered emails are any indication, most people have pretty much checked out already. But whether you're entertain...
Our beloved ragamuffin Amy Winehouse "turns 24 today": Twenty four? Really? Drugs/anorexia/insanity isn't so good for the looks, I suppose. Anyway, happy birthday, Amy! May the nex...
This week, _Rolling Stone_ spewed out another one of its hyperbolic and dubious round-ups, namely "The 25 Most Outrageous Music Videos":
It was reported "yesterday":;_ylt=Aqw4RBCWcKr6BgXMz_BabEqs0NUE that Mayor Job Cohen of Amsterdam is pushing for a three-day wait peri...
The _Daily Show_'s Jon Stewart will "return as host for the 2008 Oscar telecast": The switch back to Stewart (who hosted the 2006 Awards) was a decision made by ...
I'd never heard of "Seymour Sheep":, but he's awfully cute. Then you get to his buddy Marty Mole's visiting relative, "Uncle Abdul":
Consider this the obligatory 9/11 post.
While "some": publications are debating the implications of Bin Laden's speech in his recent video tape, "others":htt...
*Fall Of Hope*
We are rapidly approaching that special time of redemption and renewal—we speak, of course, of the new fall television season. Once again, the network execs have somehow forgotten to solicit Jew...