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Dennis Shulman: The _Heeb_ Interview

By Simran Sethi Here's how you don't want to start an interview with the man destined to be the first Rabbi and fourth person with total blindness ever elected to the United States Congress - kvetching. But t...
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The Scarlett Wedder

Voluptuous starlett (according to the Chicago Manual of Style, anyone writing about her must mention her curves) Scarlett Johansson got married on Saturday. The lucky groom is Ryan Reynolds, who was formerly en...
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The M.O.T. Heard Round the World

Not since 1945 when Hank Greenberg clinched the American League pennant with a grand slam on the final day of the season, has a more dramatic home run been generated from a Jewish bat. Yesterday, with one swi...
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The intersection between the political and the personal has proved to be the defining theme of late-period Philip Roth. In American Pastoral (1997), the author served up a stinging elegy for '60s-era idealism t...
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_1-2-3 / Apple Tree_

Herman Dune is not the name of a person. Rather, it is a band name picked by songwriter David Ivar because, as he explains it, it sounded like it could be the name of a person. "I love solo acts that sound like...

Harvey Pekar: 1939-2010

In Heeb's Politics Issue, Pekar (R.I.P.) asks the question: Are God's Children too stupid? Click here to view the full comic....
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Meet Alaska’s Yamacaucus

By Sabrina Jaszi Governor Sarah Palin's fervent Christian minions may be the public face of Alaska, but in the state's House of Representatives, a group of Jewish politicians are increasingly casting long shado...
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Losing Control?

The Jewish world is all abuzz over the leaked memo making the rounds, suggesting that Jew-Know-Who's control over Hollywood may be weakening. Apparently, some Dreamworks executive assistant thinks that "R...
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History Lessons

Unless between the time I'm writing this and a certain mid-January day he decides to tie a bandana around his head, place a buck knife between his teeth, parachute into the hinterlands of northwest Pakistan and...
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Web Exclusive!

Our nation's capital may have the highest per capita number of white guys in charcoal Brooks Brothers suits, but it's also got a vibrant indigenous scene if you know where to look. So forget that trip you took ...

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