Bobcat Goldthwait Makes Great Movies, You’re An Asshole for Not Caring

(clips after the jump)

This morning marks the arrival of Bobcat Goldthwait’s World’s Greatest DadDVD. Come to think of it, I already told you about the black comedy back when it was in theaters over the summer. Its box office figurestell me that you didn’t see it, so you’re basically a bunch of assholes for that.

Please don’t miss it this time, because there’s something even more important than the fact that Dad is funnier than a fart in a hot tub: Bobcat has a substantial body of work,one that includes but is greater than his (literally) howling performances in the Police Academy series, One Crazy Summer and his story of the little fat boy. Not that you would know, but the auteur has written and directed four solid satires and is currently at the helm of the new season of Important Things with Demitri Martin.

bobcat goldthwait_police_academy_320 Bobcat Goldthwait writer and director World's Greatest Dad

Bobcat Goldthwait in Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol in 1987 and now.

So stop being such a jerk, fire up the Netflix queue and play catch-up with Bobcat Goldthwait’s career. Here’re some enticing clips:

World’s Greatest Dad (2009)

With this film, Bobcat turns actor Daryl Sabara’s career upside down. Sabara, who first played the loser bar mitzvah boy in Keeping Up with the Steins,is now an adolescent hellion who literally jacks himself off to death.

Stay (2006)

You probably won’t watch this entire clip, but just know this caught some decent Sundance buzz. Oh, and it’s about a girl who gives her dog a blowjob.

Windy City Heat (2003)

This might be Bobcat Goldthwait’s most ambitious film to date. With cast and crew in tow, our director went to great lengths to prank one failed actor (the Larry Fienne look-alike) into thinking he’s actually the star of a Hollywood movie. The candy table scene is but one of a dozen moments of Windy City greatness.

Shakes the Clown (1991)

Bobcat’s directorial debut took on the clown underworld, replete with alcoholism and desperation–basically no different than Hollywood or the Heeb offices. Though the production value was even more crude than the taste, Shakesinspired a number of contemporary tragic comedies including one of our millennium’s finest.

Oh, and …

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What do you think?

About The Author

Brian Abrams

26 Responses

  1. Anonymous

    I agree with you to a point. Avatar is a ed hardy kids shoes state-of-the-art spectacle that’s all about film as an overwhelming, immersive sight-and-sound experience. Then there are Reply

  2. Anonymous

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  3. Anonymous

    The story comes with a young man.He comes from a small town.chatHe goes to the prosperoussohpet city New York. He is ambitious to own a big house


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