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Bargain Hunter

For anyone who loves a good deal (yes, that means you), "here": is a list of the cheapest days to buy everything from ai...
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Parents Just Don’t Understand

A "study": by Washington University at St. Louis showed that old people find it difficult to "get" what's funny. The study had undergrads and AARP-ers attempt to com...
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The Price Is 90210

The _NY Daily News_' "Rush & Mulloy": spied Ian Ziering running around giddy after getting through to round 2 of auditions t...
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Heeb's critically acclaimed Storytelling series presents Jewish stories from an ever-changing crew of performers across the country. We now give you Heeb _Storytelling in its online incarnation. Check back here...
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Off With Her Crown

The _Daily Mail_ "reports": that the Queen of England got pissed at celeb photographer Annie Leibovitz duri...
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Lies! Lies!

First Perez Hilton "declares": that he will appear in our pages in order to market his book. And now Gawker "reports":
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RIP Jane

Indie flagship-cum-corporate beauty rag _Jane_ Magazine has "folded": And, unsurprisingly, the "blame game":
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Jennifer Fox: The _Heeb_ Interview

Filmmaker Jennifer Fox has produced films like _A Scanner Darkly_, _Syriana_ and _Good Night, and Good Luck_, and wrote, directed and produced the critically acclaimed ten-hour documentary series, _An American ...
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Heeb's critically acclaimed Storytelling series presents Jewish stories from an ever-changing crew of performers across the country. We now give you Heeb _Storytelling in its online incarnation. Check back here...