ADL Shatters Myth of Jewish Humor

It is Sukkot, and in keeping with the spirit of the holiday, Abe Foxman and the usual gang of idiots over at the ADL have taken some of the sticks from their schach and inserted it in their collective posteriors (incidentally, Jewdar can now claim the distinction of being the first person in Jewish history to combine schach and a reference to anal penetration in the same sentence). We speak, of course, of their response to Sunday night’s episode of Family Guy. The episode, which was called "Family Goy", revolved around matriarch Lois’ discovery that her mother was not just a Yiddeneh, but a Holocaust survivor, who had ixnayed the ewJay in order to pass in her husband’s WASP-Welt. This discovery led the Griffins to embrace the Tribe, joining a shul and sending their kids to Jewish school, until Peter’s Catholic guilt gets the better of him; ultimately, Jesus steps in, all is resolved, and presumably, we won’t hear any more of this than we do of Peter’s black heritage. All good stuff, of course, and exceptionally funny (we particularly liked the scene in which Stewie got into the Jewish pre-school’s athletic Hall of Fame for successfully kicking a soccer ball).

So what got the ADL in such a huff? Apparently, there were too many allusions to Jews and their storied love of money (a stereotype the ADL could easily shatter by examining the bank accounts of Heeb staffers.) Leaving aside that there were, in fact very few such references, and that they didn’t come from Jews themselves but from characters who are portrayed as idiots, we instead would like to focus on one particular sentence of the ADL’s letter: "We have a sense of humor, and understand the genre of animation comedy is to push the envelope." The ADL saying "We have a sense of humor, but…" is a little like the KKK saying "We have nothing against black people, but…"

The letter closes with the suggestion that Fox execs meet to "discuss" the matter with the ADL. We presume, of course, that the good folks at Fox Broadcasting have better things to do with their time than meet with Abe Foxman and Co. But for whatever it’s worth, Jewdar is prepared to give Family Guy a hechsher– according to Jewdar, Family Guy is kompletely kosher.

What do you think?

About The Author


The Tel Aviv-born, Milwaukee-bred Jewdar has a bachelors' from the University of Wisconsin, a Masters from NYU, and an Honorable Discharge from the US Army, where he spent two years as an infantryman in the 101st Airborne Division. He's the co-author of "The Big Book of Jewish Conspiracies", the Humor Editor of Heeb Magazine, and a watcher of TV. Smarter than most funny people, funnier than most smart people, he lives on the Lower East Side with his wife and two sons.

12 Responses

  1. joshua_neuman

    I’m surprised we’re still alive to even joke about these things 5 years after THE PASSION.

  2. bennybigtime

    great article- as always the ADL and other jewish groups wonder why so few of us (the generation that isn’t on social security) avoid joining their groups like our grandparents did.

    It’s because they are run by clueless fools. seriously, IT”S A CARTOON

  3. leahb

    Oy. I guess someone was bound to make a fuss, but I think the overall lack of outrage is telling. In my opinion, this type of Jew humor is tired. We have heard all of those jokes before. But I worry that the proliferation of Jewish humor on TV these d

  4. Ari69

    leahb said: “… and if even Lois Griffin is Jewish, what’s left that’s special for the real Jews?”

    ever heard of the “mark of the covenant”?

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  6. Anonymous

    Google may pay heed. “Level of community support is certainly one supra parts of the factors we’re considering,” says a Google spokesman who Reply

  7. Anonymous

    It’s almost as bad when you ask tag heuer watches voters how the law will affect them personally. There is lots of doubt and some considerable belief or hope that the new law won’t affect them


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