Ad-Rock Hits The

This is an AHP (“All Heeb Bulletin“) for information regarding this mysterious instagram, posted and tweeted last week by none other than once-and-future King Ad-Rock himself:



My completely-uneducated, 30-second-google-search-driven guess is this is Temple B’nai Abraham in Livingstone, NJ (is it? I have no idea) – about five miles away from Rock’s (née Horowitz) birthplace of South Orange. So, what’s happening here? Why is this Beastie suddenly making stops at Synagogue? Was there a wedding? A Bar-Mitzvah? To whom should we make out a check for eighteen bucks? Why weren’t we invited?

Were you at shul with Ad-Rock? Let us know!

What do you think?

About The Author


Heeb's Managing Editor knows more about Iggy Pop than you.

One Response

  1. Shtetl Fabulous

    Not a bad guess, but it doesn’t look like Temple B’nai Abraham in Livingston at all.


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