A Nice Chat Between Jews: Seinfeld Gets The Howard Stern Treatment

On the surface, it might not appear as if Jerry Seinfeld and Howard Stern have much to talk about; Jerry is notoriously private, and fairly unanimously considered to be an incredibly nice guy, while Howard rose to fame by being flamboyantly, brashly public about…well, everything. So, watching Jerry and Howard – arguably the world’s foremost masters at their games (comedy and broadcasting, respectively) – chat for an hour and a half, as they did on Howard’s show this past Thursday, is pretty fascinating.

Check it out:

[via Splitsider]

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Heeb's Managing Editor knows more about Iggy Pop than you.

One Response

  1. Ben

    Jerry used to come on Howard’s show all the time, until Seinfeld became a hit. I haven’t watched this yet, but I’d be shocked if Howard didn’t press him on this.


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