_Man_ Holed

If your Netflix queue is getting shallow, look to “The American Film Institute”:http://www.afi.com/ for their recently revamped list of “the top 100 movies of all time”:http://nwitimes.com/articles/2007/06/24/entertainment/movies/docc42da94a5279a80b862573010064408f.txt. Kick-ass classics like _Citizen Kane_, _The Godfather Part II_, and _Dr. Strangelove_ still hung in there from the AFI’s last survey “back in 1998”:http://connect.afi.com/site/PageServer?pagename=100YearsList. But one masterpiece — arguably “Woody’s best”:http://imdb.com/title/tt0079522/ — didn’t make the cut, and critics are “pissed.”:http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2007/06/afi_100_list_takes_manhattan_a.html

Ah, who cares what titles the AFI decides cheer or jeer? Just “rent the flick”:http://www.netflix.com/Movie/Manhattan/60001266?strkid=573317676_0_0 and judge for yourself.

What do you think?

About The Author

Brian Abrams

One Response

  1. DoctahD

    Super insightful! The writer is obviously able to interpret the impressions of an entire generation when it comes to exploring a very polarizing and important character in modern pop culture. Can’t wait for the full article. Rock on.

  2. jennypenny

    Quite a few factual errors…for one, Frances (not “Francis”) was born in August 1992, not 1994, which makes her 16 rather than 15. Kurt died in April 1994…where on earth does “six months later” come from?

    And another…the Neil Young album is Rust

  3. simonsays

    LTT was voted album of the year and not CS, wasnt it?!?!
    yeh and the others as mentioned above – Frances born in 92 and being almost 2 when Kurt died, not 6 months.
    Good read though, cannot wait for the album!

  4. tarepanda

    Funny. Courtney can rail about Jew lawyers and Jew bankers in a magazine called Heeb and all Karen Bookatz can think to say is “I think you’re awesome.”

  5. marchia

    I’m a Jew and I don’t talk that way. I suppose you think it’s like blacks calling each other niggers…your way of being down with the homies. It’s pathetic. Only self-loathers talk like that.

  6. Puck

    Some hard hitting questions there Karen, you really had her on the ropes. What’s next? A hard hitting expose on Michelle Obama’s window treatment plans for the oval office?

  7. jfeldman0gmail.com

    I saw your comment that Love’s remarks about ‘Jew bankers, Jew loan officers’ etc. was just the way that Jews talk to Jews and should be taken in context. I don’t know what world you live in, but this is not the way any Jews I know talk to each other. S

  8. candy.c

    God help New York if Courtney Love is moving there! I don’t care if she’s in the East Village, West Village, or Soho–this walking trainwreck will probably blast her lame rock music, NOT pick up her dog poop, and just generally aggravate any and all who a

  9. Puck

    I still think the real outrage here is the ‘journalistic’ standard of the author…”this article is awesome…you’re awesome…the West Village is like, totally awesome”.
    I’ve read menus with more intellectual content.
    If we were both 18th century nobles

  10. kjay

    Wow. I’m gagging on so many levels here. Trying to talk her way into being a Jew (but blaming the Jews for taking her money???). Telling us she’s “not a culture vulture,” yet she manages to name-drop every other sentence. She also keeps repeating that she

  11. m1k4br3t0

    Your crack medical team managed to give her a wee bit too much sodium pentathol when they did their reviving and enlivening treatment, because she doesn’t have a filter at all in this interview. If words were vomit you’d have a puke mountain to clean up a

  12. kbookatz

    So: I decided it was finally time to chime in on the comments made to my interview and accompanying blog on Ms. Love. First off, I’m not here to systematically crap all over the nay sayers, as this commentary feature provides a great democratic forum for

  13. Puck

    First of all, Courntey Love is anti-semitic, her comments prove that and, frankly, “Joshua Neuman says she isn’t” is rather scant evidence to the contrary, don’t you think? I must confess to a sense of awe and wonder that the author of the article is abl

  14. Puck

    At the insistence of my mother I’m compelled to point out that my Uncle Dov is, in fact, not a “drug addled has been whore that couldn’t get a record made or sold without a famous spouse” :P Oh, and that I get all this “angry young man” attitude fr

  15. simonchez

    I don’t know you Puck, but I wish they would have interviewed you instead. The uninterrupted Courtney Love stream of consciousness
    is just verbal diarrhea. First she says she is Jewish, then Scottish, then not sure. WTF? She is not too famous to live a

  16. iconic

    I feel compelled to point out that Courtney Love is a single mother who has been trying her best to move forward. IMO Kbookatz attitude,in her interview of Ms. Love, was one of real caring and respect . The uninterrupted stream of consciousness made this

  17. Puck

    Every day I wait for the email from Heeb asking for an interview…every day I don’t get it a little part of me dies.

  18. JewishAndProud

    HEEB is a disaster. To celebrate this anti-semite; To justify it because Love claims to be a little Jewish; To put her on the cover, all over your website. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? What are you hoping to achieve. How about putting real Jewish role m

  19. jewjitsu

    2 JewishAndProud:
    you clearly haven’t read heeb before. This is a magazine for younger, self-loathing Jewish cultural fetishists. I love the magazine because it isn’t Beis Moshiach or the Jewish Journal, it challenges what it means to be Jewish.


  20. jewjitsu

    2 kbookatz:
    I enjoyed the article, despite the journalistic integrity that these comments seems to be clawing for. I don’t look to heeb magazine for hard-hitting Barbara Walters specials, I look for slices into the lives of the rich and semi-Jewish. I th

  21. ryan

    Wow … its a great interview. Quite insightful on the concept of dating a jew. The uninterrupted stream of consciousness made this all the more interesting and insightful. Go Courtney Love

  22. autoinsurance

    wow… great to know what courtney love is doing these days. great interview by the way.

  23. Cheapusedcars

    I enjoyed the article, despite the journalistic integrity that these comments seems to be clawing for. its a great interview .

  24. LeahG

    Courtney love is a real pop-rock icon – slash – queen! Thank you for sharing your interview with her.

  25. Puck

    Give her a few more years and she’ll be living in a used car :P
    Happy NY btw people…yay…etc.

  26. markweee

    Well said, after all, without these sorts of humorous articles anti-semitism wouldn’t exist and all those websites would just be blank pages. I say fuck other people and what they use against us…anti-semitism is going to thrive irrespective of anythi

  27. markweee

    It is not misogynistic to admire beauty in the female form, even a jewmo like myself can appreciate that young Esti is babelicious and totally worthy of being worshipped like the goddess that she obviously is.

  28. Mitchy24

    Me and my sister have enjoyed the interview. All of the questions are kinda intricate but Courtney answer it all back excellently which is why we like her.


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