Postcards From Yo Momma

Heeb Hundred alum Doree Shafrir has been quite the busy lady of late. When not being profiled in the New Yorker (posh!) or the New York Times, she’s editing and writing over at the New York Observer and having unearthed one of my favorite stories of the year so far (read all about the Hipster Grifter yourself. It’s the talk of the L train).

But all that aside, her new book, co-edited with Jessica Grose, titled Postcards From Yo Momma is finally out. The book compiles accidentally hilarious exceprts from emails and instant message conversations between mother and child. The only downside is that this book will then make any mom who reads it feel incredibly self-conscious every time she hits the "send" button (Freud would consider this justifiable revenge). The other day, though, Doree sent me a few of her favorite Jewish-themed ones, such as:

"At Kaufmann’s seder we decided that Adir Hu ( after 4 cups of wine) could be a drinking song! The melody had us lifting our glasses and swinging them….The other Jewish drinking song (again, appropriate because of the seder and the 4 glasses) : the kiddush!!!!!!!!!!!



Or this little missive which we can all relate to:

"Dear Julie, Thought I was just letting you know that I enjoy speaking to you and that I miss you. Did not intend to give you guilt. Luv, Mom."

Well, just in time for Mother’s Day (May 10! Don’t forget!), Doree and Jessica are appearing at the 92Y Tribeca on May 7 for Postcards From Yo Momma: What to Do When Your Mom Gets Drunk and Posts on Your Facebook Wall.

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About The Author


The international media conspiracy and/or the new Jew review. Take your pick.

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