That Oven Feelin’

“When you meet her, it’s best if you don’t try to shake her hand,” Roseanne Barr’s makeup artist and longtime friend warns me. “She doesn’t like to be touched by strangers.” OK, no sweaty handshakes. Fair enough. But there’s more. “If you get nervous around Roseanne, try not to show it. She’s like a shark. If she smells fear, she’ll tear you apart,” the makeup artist says.

As I wait for Barr to arrive, I contemplate the pop culture folklore that surrounds her: the alleged multiple personality disorder, the roller coaster relationship with Tom Arnold—which culminated in a bitter divorce—the theory (her own) that she may in fact be the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler, whom she has requested to be dressed as for her Heeb photo shoot. “Nervous” doesn’t begin to describe my feelings about meeting this 5’4″ Jewish grandmother.

With her hit sitcom off the air for more than a decade and the tabloid pages of her tumultuous life rotting in landfills, Barr currently spends her time working on a collection of essays on menopause, celebrity, pharmaceuticals and Jewish life in Mormon Utah (to be published by Simon Spotlight Entertainment) and disseminating her signature mix of insights and insults through her blog ( She briefly kept an account with what she now calls “that shit heap” (Twitter) before deleting it, citing as her reason “the idiocy of people and how ill-informed they all seem.” Today, when she brusquely enters the photo studio, she seems none too happy about having been dragged from her self-imposed exile.

“Hello,” she barks in a general greeting to everyone and no one. I approach with the kind of caution usually reserved for wild animals and salute her with a “Sieg Heil” in honor of our shoot. She looks at me blankly and asks, “Who are you?” I do my best to explain, then abruptly break the second Roseanne commandment: “Sorry, I’m a bit nervous,” I stammer. The second the words are out of my mouth I brace myself for the onslaught, but to my surprise I seem to have amused her and Barr softens into the loving, if somewhat irritated, matriarch who charmed a generation.

As the “Domestic Goddess” dons the famous moustache, transforming into “Domestic Goddess Hitler,” I notice that she’s beginning to have fun. She nails the Fuehrer’s facial expressions with twisted glee, and as she takes the burnt gingerbread “Jew Cookies” out of the oven it occurs to me that Barr may be the last celebrity utterly incapable of giving a fuck—a quality theoretically easy to embody until it’s time to face the practical repercussions. “Franklin Ajae, Paul Mooney, Mort Sahl and Dick Gregory’s passings will tear my kishkas out,” Barr laments. “They gave everything they had to just tell the truth, and they couldn’t make a decent living because of the choice they made—not selling out to Hollywood.”

At 55 years old, truth is the key governing principal to Barr. Yes, she has plastic in her past, but she has since rejected the idea of staving off the aging process. In fact, clinging to youth now seems downright disgusting to her. “Today’s youth make me rejoice in being a germ-obsessed hermit,” she confides. “The thought of young people ‘doing it’ is repulsive to me.” However, this does not mean the lovable curmudgeon doesn’t know how to party. “I have the pleasure of drinking too much in my post-menopausal incarnation,” she reveals. “I like tequila, really expensive kinds… straightup. I hate alcoholics and AA… If you can’t drink responsibly, don’t drink at all. Don’t go to meetings, whine about your character flaws and blame the fact that you are a sociopath on booze.” Barr also supports legalizing marijuana and has plenty of theories on the subject. “Kraft Foods invented pot. You have to realize that it’s a spiritual hunger, not a material hunger, that you are feeling,” she says.

As we wrap up the shoot, Barr puts her Swastika armband, one of the gingerbread victims and a Polaroid of herself in the costume in a Ziploc bag, making it look like evidence from some bizarre crime scene. She plans on bringing it to her 13-year-old son when she picks him up from school. “Maybe this will make my kid like me,” she says with a sigh.

When the photographer suggests that we pose together for a quick snapshot, I put my arm around this slightly eccentric drinker and pot smoker who gets off on dressing like a Nazi, and it dawns on me: I adore her. No-touching protocol be damned, I lean in to plant a kiss on her cheek, and, to my surprise, she turns toward me and puckers her lips. The nerves I’m feeling now are of a completely different variety.

Click for more of Roseanne’s insight and of course pictures, including the above mentioned Polaroid.

Read Heeb publisher, Josh Neuman’s response to all the fuss over the photo on the Internet.Â

What do you think?

About The Author

Oliver Noble

High school dropout Oliver Noble has managed to parlay his Los Angeles internship with a coke whore into creating tasteless works which that have been featured in Heeb, Girls and Corpse Magazine and

98 Responses

  1. lobster

    I think to top it off, she should go to a synagogue, grab her crotch and spit on the torah, then botch the opening canting lines to Bar Mitzvah rites..

  2. appalled

    Can someone please tell me what is so funny about the annihilation of 6 million Jews? The current cultural trend and rise and acceptance of antisemitism is unacceptable. This makes me sick to my stomach. This is really sick and diseased.
    How can you make fun of the death of 6 million human beings and look yourself in the mirror.
    This is not satire this is sickness.

  3. iconic

    The annihilation of 6 million Jews…. Not Funny.
    This magazine story…..Funny.

  4. Puck

    Hmmm…I’m not offended by this…somewhat surprisingly :p
    It *is* in very poor taste…but that’s Heeb…if you’re easily offended by tasteless jokes then this is, clearly, not the publication for you.
    Amusing article nonetheless.

  5. SammytheGoose

    Can someone explain why this is so bad and yet Mel Brooks got off the hook with Springtime for Hitler?

  6. SammytheGoose

    Seems like the same thing to me. Dont understand what the problem is.

  7. theyfree

    LAWL they should just make fun of the Armenian Genocide!!! Elie Wiesel walks outta genocide conventions when they talk ’bout that shit and Fubama say I don’t give a fuck-bout-them-fubudoGgS!!!!

  8. theyfree

    LAWL they should just make fun of the Armenian Genocide!!! Elie Wiesel walks outta genocide conventions when they talk ’bout that shit and Fubama say I don’t give a fuck-bout-them-fubudoGgS!!!!

  9. guyww

    I am a 35 year-old Israeli, third generation to holocaust survivors. I am totally disguisted from this artile. There are levels of “black humor”. The soup nazi episode did make fun of the whole nazi thing. But if you compare the episode with what this magazine has done it is if they would have shown an actual soup with jews inside, and hitler mixing it.
    Dont try to compare this to anything else. You crossed the line between self-humor and antisemitism. At first I was convinced this was a neo-nazi magazine, but now that i know you are all jews, i am ashamed and you should be too. Go learn some things about the hoocaust, about the suffer, hunger and death while you sit and eat your big macs and donuts. Did the nazzis kill your grandmothers? Grandfathers? Siblings? Are you holocaust orphins?

    Publications such as these only strengthen neo-nazzi groups, instead of condemning them. Publications such as these that beliitle the holocaust make it possible for a second holocaust to occur.

  10. nappyheadedhomo

    knowing your enemy is wisdom…donning their clothes and persona is owning your enemy…if you know and subsequently own your enemy…call me crazy, but i think you’ve won…bravo roseanne!!

  11. Rebeccool4

    Whats really offensive was that this magazine released this garbage on the very day that we as a people are supposed to observe Tush B’avruex!

  12. your-magazine-sucks

    Was just on a website which linked to your pictures of Roseanne Barr which prompted me to write and tell you how DISGUSTING and DISRESPECTFUL the pictures are. The fact that I am a Jewish person does not supersede that fact that I am human and as a human I find the pictures stated above to be so offensive and insensitive that I cannot even speak. In a time when the world needs to focus on unity and working together to put such events in history in the “never again” category, pictures such as these take a huge step back and say that it is okay to poke fun at a monstrosity in history. SHAME ON YOU.

  13. your-magazine-sucks

    Was just on a website which linked to your pictures of Roseanne Barr which prompted me to write and tell you how DISGUSTING and DISRESPECTFUL the pictures are. The fact that I am a Jewish person does not supersede that fact that I am human and as a human I find the pictures stated above to be so offensive and insensitive that I cannot even speak. In a time when the world needs to focus on unity and working together to put such events in history in the “never again” category, pictures such as these take a huge step back and say that it is okay to poke fun at a monstrosity in history. SHAME ON YOU.

  14. heiooo

    I am disgusted by reading this article. The Jews being made fun of in this way is not funny at all. She is a sick person.

  15. morriwi

    I thought this was hilarious and creative. Yes, we are all sad about the holocaust, but this is satire. Get over it. Society is full of satirical commentary about horrible events and people, just because it has to do with Jewish culture doesn’t mean it is off limits.

  16. mrnhghts

    your-magazine-sucks wrote,

    The fact that I am a Jewish person does not supersede that fact that I am human

    That’s your opinion.

  17. phfeenikz

    Really? You guys slide on over to a publication called Heeb to read an interview with Roseanne Barr of all people, and you expected to find content that’s in good taste? Please, get over yourselves and your knee-jerk reactions. If you look past the obvious and calculated attempt to shock people, you’ll see a masterful iconoclast doing what she does best.

  18. murphdog

    Somewhere along the timeline we call life we have to unclench and let the past be just that, the past.

    Werner Klemperer who played Colonel Wilhelm Klink on Hogan’s Heroes, for those of you who know or remember, from 1965 was lambasted for his portrayal of a German Stalag (Allied prisoners) commander. Werner Klemperer was a Jew who had been in a concentration camp as a child. He was quoted as saying “Why not, it’s all in good fun.”

    If a German concentration camp survivor can get past the horror of his past for some good humored comedy then why shouldn’t I?

  19. murphdog

    Somewhere along the timeline we call life we have to unclench and let the past be just that, the past.
    Werner Klemperer who played Colonel Wilhelm Klink on Hogan’s Heroes, for those of you who know or remember, from 1965 was lambasted for his portrayal of a German Stalag (Allied prisoners) commander. Werner Klemperer was a Jew how had been in a concentration camp as a child. He was quoted as saying “Why not, it’s all in good fun.”
    If a German concentration camp survivor can get past the horror of his past for some good humored comedy then why shouldn’t I?

  20. mpipick

    Mel Brooks’s Springtime For Hitler and Chaplin’s Great Dictater immediately comes to mind. On the edge of taste and humour. I would worry more about the self hating Jews that run the NY Times, and Obama’s chief of staff. They are capable of doing much more damage to Jews than Roseanne.

  21. faceless

    Well done roseanne – and to all those people complaining – this is a comedy magazine. Go and read something else and leave the imaginative stuff to those of us who can handle it.

  22. FormerHeebReader

    Dear Josh,

    I know, irreverence is the one virtue Heeb places above most others. And that is one of the aspects of Heeb that I think has made it interesting and funny to read over the years. I know you wanted to shock and get traffic to the web site, maybe some national attention from the outrage. That is fine and understandable. Congratulations, you did. But as a longtime reader and fan, I have to say that this was not just shocking or irreverent or in poor taste, it was for lack of better words: FUCKED UP!

    As an agnostic Jew, I could care less about Jewish dogma or some sanctimonious conception of what is allowable in polite or impolite discourse when talking about Jews today. And I understand the value of finding humor in tragedy and cruelty. That said, there are few days that go by that I’m not haunted by what Hitler and the Nazis did to my family and my people. The way they must have screamed and cried when the gas was turned on or what they must have been thinking when Nazis conducted experiments on them dumping then into freezing water and then warming them in boiling water. Or how every time I’m in a sports stadium in the back of my head I’m thinking how many times you could fill up this place before you hit six million.

    So when I saw you decided to allow Roseanne Barr (a women who has called Israel a “Nazi State”) to dress up like Hitler and pull burnt gingerbread “Jew cookies” out of an oven…well you can imagine my anger. I said ANGER. Not hurt, because I could give a shit about her or your attempt at being outrageous. I read Barr’s righteous explanation about the proliferation of antisemitism in the world today…that was sweet. Hey, you’re entitled to your satire, your opinions, and so is Roseanne. But if allowing such over the top offensive garbage to be published in Heeb is the position of the editor, then I no longer will be a reader or a fan.

    David Zucker

    PS: Below is a link that might add some extra humor to your Germany Issue. Maybe post this on Heeb too.

  23. beachgurl

    To faceless above and everyone else that thinks this is funny, let me tell you that I didn’t come here directly, it was a link and while I am here I wanted to leave my comments. That’s what this space is for right?
    To FACELESS who wrote above, I leave you with this, if it is a comedy magazine then why Hitler and burned cookies and the oven? Roseanne is a has been and I guess she needs shock value in order to even be noticed anymore.
    Well notice this and maybe you will understand why we aren’t laughing. Shame on all of you.

  24. eathummus

    More nonsense from Roseanne Barr, whose career has been flat-lining for years. Roseanne has sealed her fate at being remembered as a Hollywood has-been. Can bad taste resurrect a dead career?
    The Anti-Self Defamation League

  25. mokproakus


    Are you kidding me? It is absolutely disgusting.

    Why don’t you call my grandmother who had her 9 siblings actually burned in the ovens and explain to her that Rossanne is just being satirical?

    You can’t just say, “this is just Roseanne being Roseanne” and write this off. It is beyond offensive and, g-d willing this will end her career and this life of this publication. This, quite frankly, scares the crap out of me. We Jews may never be safe if, not even in America. Not when something like this is condoned.

    The holocaust, of all things, does not need to be satirized.

    PS – Your article was just linked to on the Jerusalem Post. We all know that you OBVIOUSLY didn’t publish this for shock or publicity, but you are sure going to get the latter.

  26. JewishAndProud

    Never again. This is the promise we made. This is a promise we will keep.

    Your attempt to be provocative has, once again, provoked attention and while your twisted minds may believe that all attention, good or bad, is actually good, be clear – that is not the way things work.

    I know you know who I am.
    For those of you who don’t, read my campaign against Heeb this past March,

    I’m happy to see that none of the organizations I wrote about have any advertising on your site any more. Very proud of them. If any have fallen through the cracks, rest assured I will make absolute sure to have them take notice.

    Never again. This goes for all of you too.

    You should be ashamed.

  27. Puck

    Surely you have to admit it was a little bit funny…in that “I know I shouldn’t be chuckling but it’s so tasteless and naughty I can’t help it” kind of way.

  28. scaup

    It is slightly interesting to see how Barr has aged, and how her plastic surgery looks with a mustache on it. Also, her skin looks darker. A little burnt, perhaps?

  29. Brian Abrams

    Hi, Jewish and Proud.

    I’m curious.

    Do you laugh? If so, at what?

  30. mrnhghts

    JewishAndProud wrote,

    This goes for all of you too.

    Who does this silly dame think she is?

  31. JewishAndProud

    The You was referring to the people at Heeb who came up with and supported this.

    Dreidel_Hustler – the better question for you to consider is why a an article like this make You laugh. Or maybe it’s just people’s reactions that you and your buddies find entertaining. Either way, my concept of comedy is for sure different than yours.

  32. mimichaplinsky

    I’m proud to have done the costume for this shoot. :) Rosanne is funny, she has a sick sense of humor and this is HEEB magazine. The article is just that and people need to not take it personally. :)xo michelle

  33. Puck

    “Either way, my concept of comedy is for sure different than yours.”
    Yes, Jewish&Proud…and it’s possible that a variety of ideas and attitudes in the world isn’t entirely a bad thing.

  34. teacake

    Well then mimi something is very wrong with you and who do you think you are to tell others not to take it personally? What I think is funny and deserves satire are things like celebrities who get busted for DUI, affluent American’s who are still unhappy, Roseanne’s desperate attempts to be edgy and failed attempts to be funny…. lets see what else is funny? Burning people in ovens, oh of course. She is taking on the persona of hitler and making light of his evil? She is not making fun of him in the least but trivializing his crimes. Naturally overly sensitive people like you and Roseanne (typical lefties types) consider putting pink panties on terrorists at Gitmo inhuman torture Now that is funny!!!

  35. FormerHeebReader

    Dear Mimichaplinsky and friends,

    I suspect if it was your mom or sister that was burned alive in a Nazi oven you would find this a little less funny. Although, from reading your posts, maybe not.

    Some are of the opinion that people should be able to laugh at everything…nothing is off limits. Some find this mentality to be freeing. I don’t . While I agree it is important to find humor in tragedy, I think at the end of the day some things are just not funny. And Roseanne pulling “burnt Jew cookies” out of an oven is one of them. What is next? Making fun of the millions of burnt Africans who were fed to the sharks during the Middle Passage or the rape and sexual molestation of young children? Is this funny to you too?

    Maybe for the next issue of Heeb you can dress up John Goodman as John Couey (the child molester who raped and murdered 9 year old Jessica Lunsford) and you could show him having sex or brutalizing dolls with Jessica’s little face on them. Would you be proud of doing the costume for this shoot too YOU SICK FUCK!?!

    I have a sense of humor and have always been a fan of Heeb because of their irreverent perspective on Jewish life. Coincidentally I found the Hitler reaction youtube video that Heeb did to be funny. I think the main person who did not do his job is the editor of Heeb. He should have had the judgment to know that this crossed the line into HATE SPEECH…not the kind of smart satire Heeb is good at doing. What is sad and kinda depressing on a human level is that fellow Jews, smart liberal ones at that, won’t even respect the memory of our 6 million dead…forget about non-Jews.

    Which brings me to my second point. Just as sick as Heeb publishing this HATE SPEECH is the obnoxious insensitivity that people like mimichaplinsky and Josh Neuman show to people like me who found this really offensive.

    Mimichaplinsky….don’t take this personally, but after reading your comment you sound like a very immature and ignorant little girl. And if you HAVE TO take what I just said PERSONALLY, then maybe you can try to understand why it is hard for people who lost their entire family to the Nazi ovens to NOT take what Heeb published PERSONALLY.

    :)xo Dave

  36. wyldeboare

    She’s continuing in the long line of entertainers like Mel Brooks who believed the best way to deal with the pain of the Holocaust is to make the man who started the whole thing into the world’s biggest joke. If You’re offended…don’t bitch and moan about. Being offended is a choice people make and one that American civil rights has given far too much power. Get real, if You don’t like it, avoid. And please, stop fucking bitching.

  37. FormerHeebReader


    I think making fun of Hitler is great. I enjoyed the Soup Nazi bit and The Producers was a funny show.

    Taking “burnt Jew cookies” out of an oven I don’t find funny. I find that to be hate speech.

    And just as Heeb has the right to publish this garbage…I have the right to BITCH about it and raise my objections to the dissemination of this HATE SPEECH.

  38. Puck

    True, FormerHeeb. Let’s be honest, we’re all here to have a bitch and a moan or to incite people into a frenzy by tauning them and their beliefs…well…maybe that’s just me.
    Still, nobody is going to change their mind regardless of whatever arguments are put forward.
    Let the bitching roll on!!

  39. sammyg

    You’re a nazi Jew. You don’t deserve to be a member of the tribe. You should hang your head in shame. … and Judgement Day will be here soon … and G-d’s watching and listening. I’m curious about your family. I’m sure they’re very proud … If I saw you on the street I’d spit in your face.

  40. Puck

    LOL @ SAMMY.
    Oops…you forgot to omit the ‘o’ in G-d in your post on the other topic…lolacaust.
    I’ve heard of people switching from Kosher to secular…never in the same breath tho ;)
    But yes, G-d is up there, reading the Heeb forum posts…because that’s his biggest worry.
    I’d rather be a Nazi Jew (??) than a total numbnut.

  41. Puck

    Hmmph…I wouldn’t take the ABC as a reliable source as far as anything concerning Jewry goes. They are to the Jews as the Jerusalem Post Op Ed is to the Gentiles :P
    Why are you even reading the ABC mrnhghts? Are you Australian?
    I’m Australian and most of the time I don’t even know why I’m reading it lol.
    And Sammy, let’s be honest, if you saw me in the street you wouldn’t do sh*t ‘cos you’re just an oversensitive, whiny bigot with just enough balls to threaten someone anonymously over the internet.

  42. FormerHeebReader

    I live in Chinatown (nyc) and let me tell you when my window is open I hear non-stop spitting. The Chinese love to spit for some reason. Least the ones who live in Chinatown. And as for some of those ultra-orthodox guys…they give me the willies, well not the Chabad dudes…I love them cause they keep it real and you can talk to them like normal people…or normal religious fundamentalist people at least.

    Puck….where in Australia are you from? I lived in Surfer’s Paradise for 7 months. If I saw you at a pub in Queensland I would spit in your XXXX….joking. Let me tell you, I wish I could find XXXX in NYC. I miss it and the VB.

  43. Puck

    If someone handed me a VB I’d spit in it myself ;)
    But yes, XXXX is delicious…much like Vegemite…mmmm…Vegemite.
    I’m living in Melbourne but I’m originally from Townsville in Queensland, hence the XXXX Fetish.
    I met some lovely Chabad dudes in India when I was there, made a nice change from the perpetually trashed (but smoking hot) traumatised ex-IDF guys :P

  44. gman992

    I don’t know what’s more offensive–these pictures or the Jews who are still going to continue reading this garbage, support their fellow Jews who are taking them down the river (Spielberg/”Munich”) or gawk over political leaders who will sell them out for glory and fame, and a large piece of gold like the Nobel Peace Prize. I mean President Obama just gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to someone who equates zionism with Nazism. As for the Producers, Brooks was mocking all those stupid people who thought that Hitler was a just a funny little man who wasn’t a threat at all.

  45. FormerHeebReader

    I don’t like Vegemite. But yeah, XXXX is great. And Surfer’s Paradise was interesting…kinda like Miami beach without the Jews. I went to Bond Uni for a semester. Cairns was sick. I know you won’t like this, but I’m a big fan of New Zealand….and they have good meat pies too.

  46. Puck

    I’m more concerned by your attendance @ Bond then liking New Zealand.
    We all like New Zealand, it’s the only developed country in the world Australia can justifiably make fun of ;)
    Why does nobody like Vegemite damn them…it’s yeastalicious!

  47. gogolmoney

    I am not personally offended by these pictures even though 1/2 my family is Jewish. OK, it’s my dad’s side but still I have family victims of Mathausen, Dachau, etc… But the point is I don’t relate to the Holocaust and all this current fury over this picture. I see Jews in everyday life who are successful and affluent. All this buzz reminds me of blacks who constantly complain about slavery. Roseanne is Jewish and this is her strange attempt at humor. I hate her anyway so I don’t care what new shocking thing she comes up with. Can a Jewish person even commit an act of anti-Semitism? Is that a self-loathing Jew?? Are all black rappers self-loathing since they use the word nigger?? This is nonsense.. get over it people.

  48. Puck

    New Zealand is awesome…I wouldn’t say their meat pies are better than ours though :P

  49. bridgham

    What happened to my posts and their responses, you Nazi loving fucktards?

  50. tzivje

    Really, anyone who has read this magazine before should know by now to expect a little humor poked at the whole history of Jewish culture and religion. And this is a big part of it. To me, it’s cool if heebs are the ones poking the fun. As soon as an Austrian or German starts doing it (I had a German boyfriend when I lived in Germany and he loved to make Jew jokes), that’s when it’s crossing the line.

  51. gfxheeb

    harro Roseanne. I love your cookies. Your moustache is wonderful too.

  52. mrnhghts

    bridgham wrote,

    What happened to my posts and their responses, you Nazi loving fucktards?

    Has it occurred to you that you might fit in here a lot better than you may like to admit?

  53. HolyJew

    The writer, and most of the commentators (not to mention the former whore) are simply sooooooooo out of touch with their Jewishness, Tisha B’Av aside. let me give u an example so that you should all ask yourselves (including the Jewish yenta’s on the View):

    imagine for a moment a black star (Opra, Levar Burton, Will Smith etc) giving an interview on Ebony magazine dressed up as a slave with a swastika on their arm, dishing out black gingerbread cookies with chains on their hands. Their body is mutilated (broken up pieces), star is with a Hitler mustache offering you the viewer/interviewer a cookie they call “nigger slave jungle bunnies”.
    Now wouldn’t that be funny to the readers of this magazine and really give a boost to the readership of the magazine?!
    Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze! Why is sooooo difficult to understand that what rosie the whore has done is beyond self criticism and humor but just bad taste and self hating, anti-semitic psychosis? She has a serious problem being a Jew (as do many Hollywood stars) who hate their Jewishness & Israel. We don’t have to be privy to their warped sense of humor, disgusting as it is; and Heeb mag should understand the difference between humor and social pornography such as rosie the social whore.

  54. boychik

    I myself have issues with the photo. How come no gypsy cookies or homosexual cookies? Jews weren’t the only ones who died in ovens. You could have put pink frosting on the homosexual ones. And the gypsy ones could have been kinda dirty or something, i dunno, you’re the satirists!

  55. iconic

    …And how come no broken cookies??
    Must never forget, tthe handicapped were targeted and put into ovens.

  56. Mrs.Heskett

    ” rsanford says,

    07.30.09 at 4:07 pm

    She’s a thoroughly disgusting, sick, twisted individual.”

    I love her for it! I’ve always loved Roseanne, she’s hysterical. I’m not racist or discriminating against any race, religion, heritage, ect. I can totally get behind the humor though, as I myself have a rather twisted sense of humor. Let her be! She’s brilliant, I totally want to be like her…lol.

  57. iconic

    yup,Robert Duvall.
    Also, German metal band Sodom.. “Napalm in The Morning.”

  58. arlenewla

    Its one thing to poke fun at ourselves, but never forget, crap like this is used against us.

    And that’s exactly how I just found this site. The “Heeb Gefilte Fish Olympics” was posted on another site….and trust me, the intent was not to laugh with us.

    We can be our own worst enemies sometimes.

  59. Puck

    Well said, after all, without these sorts of humorous articles anti-semitism wouldn’t exist and all those websites would just be blank pages. I say fuck other people and what they use against us…anti-semitism is going to thrive irrespective of anything we do about it, if the website you visited is stupid enough to use a Heeb website to push an anti-semitic agenda…I say knock themselves out.

  60. triple_lindy

    SammytheGoose says, “Can someone explain why this is so bad and yet Mel Brooks got off the hook with Springtime for Hitler?”

    Answer: spingtime for hitler makes fun of hitler – not his victims. this article and picture are hurtful crap with no creativity behind them. still, the amazing part is the Jewish sheep that condone it here in these posts. Would you condone a satirical reference to Jeffrey Dahmer eating peoples organs? Maybe. But, would you then expect the relatives of his victims to see the satire in your “art”? Well, that’s a microcosm of what you are doing here.

    Pull your head out of your ass so you can hear and see whats going on around you.

  61. kaytee

    That photo is not supposed to be shown, plus I don’t really think Jewish people should be made fun of. They’re humans too (just like the one who wrote this article).

  62. kaytee

    That photo is not supposed to be shown, plus I don’t really think Jewish people should be made fun of. They’re humans too (just like the one who wrote this article).

  63. Gilmore1316

    I love Roseanne to death but she has gone wayyyyy to far this time, and I have never said that about Roseanne before. She says she is making fun of Hitler, not his victim. GIVE ME A F**KING BREAK! Come on Roseanne your not stupid. This is a direct slap in the face to all those people who were maliciously worked till they died then killed in some of the scariest ways possible. Don’t f**king put a “burnt Jew cookie” on a platter and tell me your making fun of HITLER!?! Hitler was a crazy ass man and making fun of him is fine by me, leave the Jews out of it next time…

  64. linksus

    I love that she used to get plastic surgery and now has renounced it….grow old gracefully people!!

  65. Tannaz

    Personally, I think the woman’s a little twisted in the head! Firstly, because she thinks she’s some reincarnation of Hitler! And whats more atrocious is that she’s happy to be a monster like him! Whats wrong with her for crying out loud!

  66. ardit121

    I think the Jews have suffered too much and they should stop constantly reminding them of their sufferings! This is what I’m talking about!

  67. stacyfariot12

    It is in very poor taste…but that’s Heeb…if you’re easily offended by tasteless jokes then this is, clearly, not the publication for you.

  68. EarthyWarrior

    It’s tough to say but I’m leaning more towards yes you are. I think you should wait and see if you get your period, if not, go get another blood test.
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  69. Judah Ari Gross

    I don’t know. I mean Jews are supposed to be offended by anything that has to do with the Holocaust. But, I am just not offended by this picture. It is just so ridiculous. Just look at what makes up the picture: It is in Heeb Magazine, it is Rosanne Barr, and they are cookies. If any of the parts of this photo were different, maybe it would be bad. If this were in Newsweek, I would be offended. If it was a picture of Jude Law, I would be offended. If they were little photoshopped Jewish people, I would be offended. But it is not. It is an old (no offense Rosanne) Jewish lady holding up a tray of burnt cookies.

    Now some people (especially the more virulent bloggers above) think that the whole idea of poking fun at the Holocaust is wrong. This summer I was a staff member on a trip to Poland with some young Jews from U.S. We visited several concentration camps, Majdanek, Treblinka, Auschwitz, etc. It was there that some of the worst jokes and comments about the catastrophe that devastated the Jewish people came out of the mouths of the staff members (away from the children of course).

    At Auschwitz: “I am going to buy a post card from the gift shop (yes, they have a gift shop at Auschwitz), write on it ‘Dear Mom and Dad, Camp sucks. The showers are horrible! Love, Judah’ and send it to my parents”

    At Treblinka, as we got off the bus: “Alright guys, if anyone has to go to the bathroom, boys go to the right and girls go to the left.”

    These jokes and comments were not made to belittle the Holocaust or show our callousness towards it, rather it showed that it was really disturbing and totally incomprehensible. If we tried to deal with it head on, we would go crazy. We used the defense mechanism of making a joke so that the weight of the situation did not crush us.

    I am not sure that this is what Heeb was trying to do with this photo. Maybe I am totally wrong. I think, however, that in some way this is what they hoped to accomplish. Poke fun at a topic that is really fucked up. Then again, maybe they were just trying to stir up controversy to get some publicity. Who knows?

    I will say that it is sort of in poor form that this came out on Tisha B’Av. That made me squirm a little.

  70. Anonymous

    No but I have had pizza fights before where we just threw pizza at each other :) The room was such a mess after that it was even on the ceiling… I don’t know what came over us.

  71. Anonymous

    All this buzz reminds me of blacks who constantly complain about slavery. Roseanne is Jewish and this is her strange attempt at humor. I hate her anyway so I don’t care what new shocking thing she comes up with. Can a Jewish person even commit an act of anti-Semitism? Is that a self-loathing Jew?? Are all black rappers self-loathing since they use the word nigger?? This is nonsense.. get over it people. Fuel saving devices Earth4energy Jump Higher Phone

  72. cFoxx

    Usually, I’d say that joking about Nazis is fine, if you’re not making fun of their victims,But I must say tht Roseanne Barr has definitely gone much to far.

  73. Indi

    Roseanne, Can I please lick you up, lick you down, from your feet uo to your crown and stick my skinny feminine fingers in your pussy? Would you please dress up as Hitler while I fuck your ass with a strap on cock? Sexy Bitch.

  74. Geri Madi

    No offence to the writer but i’ve already spotted like 2-3 typo’s and havent even finished reading lol — do they charge you for spellchecker in your time zone (just kidding) nice layout though I’ll give you that :)

  75. Connie Tsang

    Well, “GERI MADI,” your grammar is not perfect either. Do not make fun of other people’s mistakes when you make even more mistakes.


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