Bibi is everywhere. (Fuck Yeah Bibibomb)
Stockholm’s archeologist of weirdness. (YouTube)
The neocons do not like Eli Valley’s new comic, “Never Miss an Opportunity.” (Commentary)
Pernicious attempt to brand protests as anti-Semitic. (Forward)
Triumph Japan recycles old bras into power-generating fuel. (ecouterre)
285 Girls named “unwanted” choose new names. (SF Gate)
Gilad Shalit’s ugly Hamas shirt is a fashion sensation in Gaza. (Jewlicious)
William Shatner’s version of Bohemian Rapsody is incredible. (Hipster Jew)
here is some backround info about an israeli firm
heres the link to breath of life one of the leading Israeli company for medical cannabis.
I think its about time this has been known for 20,000 years and the phamecutical companies are holding it down to surge there profits while there products are hurting patients lives compared to the helpful side, and also witnessing first hand the destruction it cause our youth and former patients with being addicted getting perscription pills illegally and killing 1000’s of youth everyday. Imet a man who works at this company and we are going to open a collective company soon for patients across the globe.