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Coming to a Newsstand Near You

In other important media news, barely legal hottie Zac Efron (he's Jewish, ladies!) and his "disgraced": girlfriend and _High School Musical_ co-star...
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Hot Chicks with Douchebags

The strike at General Motors entered its third day. Ahmadinejad vowed to ignore the U.N. in the dispute over his country's nuclear program. "Female ninjas":
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Poison Ivy

We at Jewdar are not among those critical of "Columbia University's": decision to let Iranian President Ahmadin...
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The Best of 5767: Film

_As you might've heard, the lunar calendar finished its cycle and the Jewish year 5767 became 5768. We considered fireworks and a night of pick-pocketing in Times Square, but instead we decided to use the oppor...
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Down Under

Not unlike many _Heeb_ readers, I suppose, I was sexually deprived as an adolescent. While I sat at home during my school days doing "you know what":, the other kids eng...
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_Kingdom_ Coming Soon

Steven Spielberg and company have announced the title for the fourth Indiana Jones installment and "gloves have already come off in the blogosphere": It'...
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Purchase in Advance

It was reported "yesterday":;_ylt=Aqw4RBCWcKr6BgXMz_BabEqs0NUE that Mayor Job Cohen of Amsterdam is pushing for a three-day wait peri...