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Bombs, Obama and Rock & Roll

Straight from the mind of the pop genius who brought us such gems as "I Hate Israel" and "Hey People, It Was Only a Tower" comes the campaign tribute Obama doesn't want anyone to hear: "...
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Jew No-No

As Tolstoy noted, "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." A similar observation may be made about humor. Funny is funny, but unfunny, well, there are lots of wa...
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Benjy Bronk: The _Heeb_ Interview

Benjy Bronk has come a long way in radio, and in a pretty damn short amount of time. Back in 1998, Bronk was hired as an intern for "The Howard Stern Show" on FM radio, where he was often found pullin...
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Okunov the Wall

If you've ever wondered what the 9-5 life of an artist is like, get thee to the Jewish Museum in New York. The museum's two week exhibit, "Off the Wall: Artists at Work," features 11 artists from vari...
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Last week, Jewish settlers in the West Bank protested when Facebook, at the prompting of West Bank Palestinians, changed the home country of West Bank accounts from Israel to Palestine. Asking Facebook to chang...
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Earlier this month, Hasidic pop-star Lipa Schmeltzer was forced to pull out of a concert at the WaMu Theatre at Madison Square Garden when several Brooklyn black hats condemned his music as immoral. One told Y...
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No Love for Natalie

Last week we told you that Hasidic friend-of-Heeb Abe Karpen was spotted on the Brooklyn Bridge with Natalie Portman. He was filming a movie in which he played Portman's husband, but that's the last sighting of...
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Monsey Can’t Buy Me Love

A grass-roots effort by a community of Orthodox Jews temporarily fended off a proposal from Wal-Mart to build a store in their town of Monsey, N.Y. The mega-retailer had been courting rabbis along with the gene...
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Frum Brooklyn With Love

Is Natalie Portman stalking _Heeb_?Last week she was seen at the Kiva/ GOOD Magazine event with _Heeb_ associate publisher Adam Baruchowitz. Today, she was spotted on the Brooklyn Bridge with _Heeb_ co-conspira...
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David Zucker: The _Heeb_ Interview

Who else but Hollywood veteran David Zucker could possibly direct a brainless Spidey spoof like Superhero Movie? This is the guy, after all, who teamed up with Jim Abrahams and brother Jerry Zucker to deliver g...
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Super-Shui Me

First the "green" BP gas station, complete with bamboo counters, organic cotton uniforms, and, oh yeah, gas. Now, the feng-shui'd McDonald's. WTF L.A.? Why do you always have to live up to your stereo...
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Bongs Away!

We sorta thought California's medical marijuana law was still up in the air, but try telling that to the first graduating class of Oaksterdam University. Founded by medical marijuana activist (read "stoner...