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San Fran to Ban Circumcision?

As a woman, I’ve grown accustomed to a certain aerodynamic design afforded by the boys of the bris, but this isn’t about personal aesthetics. Lloyd Schofield (Yes, a Jew), the man behind a push to ban circumcisions in San Francisco, spoke to Heeb about his movement and the future of foreskin.

Letter From Long Beach

The big-tent - all Jews are created equal - approach to Jewlicious produces a bit of a circus effect that may not be a by-product of their vision, but is rather, the binding ingredient.
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Everybody Loves a Winner

Darren Aronofsky broke up with Rachel Weisz, he makes Black Swan, casting Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis and Winona Ryder. Clearly, he's interested, so won't someone in Hollywood set him up with a Nice Jewish Girl?
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Galliano has an Antisemitic Sheen

In what must have been a particularly galling scene for Galliano, his suspension violated a cardinal rule of fashion -- he wasn't original, since the day before, Charlie Sheen was suspended from Two and A Half Men for his own antisemitically-themed comments.