Matisyahu Goes Blonde

Matisyahu seems to be distancing himself further and further from his super Orthodox roots. You may remember that he shocked fans a few months ago when he tweeted a photo of himself clean-shaven, after years of rocking a full beard and the other hirsute trappings of Orthodox Jewish men?

Now the rapper has been spotted in Jerusalem with a whole new look: He’s dyed his hair blonde. He was said to be wearing an outfit he may or may not have borrowed from Kanye West: a leather jacket, combat pants and open-toed combat boots. Open toed combat boots. Really?

What do we make of this? Could it be that this is the real Matisyahu? Now that he’s built a following for himself he no longer needs his conservative gimmick? Or is he simply trying to embrace the hip hop lifestyle? Will we see him next in a diamond-studded yarmulke? Maybe he’ll rock a tallit made by Gucci? With his blonde locks Matisyahu could be the Jewish Eminem. Look out for his new single “Love the Way You Haggle” (feat. Rihanna’s Jewish cousin, Esther).

What do you think?

About The Author

Mark Dommu

Heeb's Culture Editor is a writer and performance artist living in Brooklyn and the reigning ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ trivia champion of NYC. Mark created, writes and stars in ‘I Give Good Hebrew’ and is the Editor-in-Chief of The Culture Whore , which curates and celebrates the best art being made in Brooklyn/NYC and around the world.

8 Responses

  1. Tali

    Like with many born-again Orthodox Jews, once the euphoria of ‘finding God’ dissipates and the realities of life within Chabbad, or similar ultra-Orthodox sects, which allow no form of individuality wanes, so does the need to wear the black hat and garb. It doesn’t make them less religious. Matissyahu is not the first, and won’t be the last refugee from the Ultra-Orthodox movement, who do not own Judaism even though they claim too…

  2. Alys

    Change and personal growth is a good thing, no? His outward appearance doesn’t mean his inner beliefs have altered. If the music is good, just listen…

  3. Sophia

    What I think…It’s best not to judge him. Let him be and wish him well on his journey. And maybe take the time that you spend on him and reflect on your own actions.

  4. Sheryl Ginsberg

    He’s a cute boy. I’d be proud to have him as my son. He’s talented and charismatic and is searching for a way to be authentic. Best of luck to him! <3


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