John Mayer is an Asshole

The story is as old as the hills: A giant celebrity plays an asshole version of themselves to show us that they’re actually not actually an asshole, but a truly down-to-earth person who hasn’t let fame get to their head. Sure.

And so I tried to stay cynical while watching John Mayer’s Funny Or Die sketch about the creation of a new single, but with the Judd Apatow team behind the vid, I couldn’t help falling for the joke, twice.

What do you think?

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26 Responses

  1. jeffdahlberg

    I think John Mayer really is an immature asshole at this point.

    Can you imagine being a girl on the brunt end of his comments?

    Could any female ever trust him to keep his mouth shut about personal issues?

    Is he really that talented?

    I say he’s mediocr

  2. Anonymous

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  4. Anonymous

    The story comes with a young man.He comes from a small town.chatHe goes to the prosperoussohpet city New York. He is ambitious to own a big house


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