Fancy Religious Machers Clash in Cross Kerfuffle

Former Hitler Youth member and current Pope, Benedict XVI, has been told that he cannot wear his usual golden cross (or any cross at all for that matter) during his upcoming visit to the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

The Holy Father, who believes that Holocaust denial is more acceptable than condoms, is slated to visit the Holy Land next month, but has ran into a minor obstacle in the form of one meddlesome Jew. Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, leader of a violent street gang called the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, is seeking to deny the Pope access to the wall unless he removes any overt religious symbols from his person. (!!!) Rabinovitch, who doesn’t come over to your house and put his feet on the table, told Time magazine:

"I wouldn’t go into a church wearing Jewish symbols, out of respect for the place, and I would expect that the Pope would act the same here."

Other religious leaders have also been made to conform to this kind of silliness in the past, but Rabinovitch, who claimed that the last Pope removed his cross when he visited, was busted when photos of JP2’s historic visit were pointed out. Guess what he was wearing at the Wall?

This whole thing will almost certainly not be a real problem, as the Israeli government will likely squash Rabinovitch’s authority and bulldoze his house. But there are other issues at hand when the Pope comes to town. For example, when Benedict is at the Wall, the whole damn shebang will, for the first time in 42 years, be closed to the public. Also, when he visits the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, his Holiness plans to skip over a room that features a plaque, claiming the Church’s head at the time, Pius XII, was a do-nothing, Nazi-tolerating dingus. As a do-nothing, Nazi-tolerating dingus, Benedict apparently resents it’s inclusion in the exhibition.

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6 Responses

  1. korkjew

    I think as a man of g-d I don’t think we should start burning down of our recent bridge with the atholic church, yet

  2. josef.loeffler

    @korkjew, you’re right. and I don’t think very many other people really care about the goyshe symbols (unless they are from popey’s aforementioned early life). However, given his recent denial moves, I think the dude needs a little reminder about the tr

  3. jewdar

    The pope screwed up over the Holocaust denier, admitted he screwed up, and condemned holocaust denial pretty explicitly. Not my favorite pope, but let’s not exaggerate. As for this Rabinovitch, give me a break–as an Orthodox rabbi, he wouldn’t go into

  4. Puck

    Well, he’s no John Paul II, but then, who is?
    I think in the name of religious tolerance and respect, it’s entirely appropriate that he be allowed to wear whatever accoutrements he normally wears…I mean, he’s the head of the Catholic Church…removing t


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