When Will David Blaine Disappear?

Yesterday, publicity whore/endurance challenger and sort-of-magician David Blaine finished his dive of death, which involved hanging upside down from a cable for three days in New York’s Central Park, non-stop. To the disappointment of fans, however, "non-stop" didn’t exclude ten-minute bathroom breaks or medical check-ups. Apparently, television viewers found the entire business to be underwhelming.

Fun fact: According to experts, hanging upside down for a long time increases blood pressure in the head and eyes, causing greater risk of blood clots that can cut off the blood supply to the eyes, leading to blindness.

"At the end of the first day I thought I wasn’t going to make it. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I didn’t want to disappoint everybody, so I kept pushing and going as hard as I could," said Blaine about that whole blood-rushing-to-the-head feeling.

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5 Responses

  1. unpainted.arizona

    I’d pay to see a battle royale between DB and Copperfield to see who can make themselves disappear for the longest. If we could get rid of DB for a few years nobody would shed a tear.

  2. Puck

    DB is full hotness…but there’s nothing hot about being able to hang upside down for a few days :P


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