Tushy Talk

Jewdar has been riding my ass lately, not because of its apple-shaped firmness, but because of the Heebonics entry I managed to finagle into our Politics Issue that apparently bastardizes Yiddish. Sorry Jewdar, but "Tushy-Shtup" (v. to screw someone over) is now officially part of the Jewish lexicon.

I guess the guys from the above feel the same way about the word "schmeckle." Question to Jewdar: If you can’t handle the tushy-shtup, do you have a use for a new schmeckle?

What do you think?

About The Author

Brian Abrams

4 Responses

  1. mrnhghts

    I don’t understand. They don’t mention tushy-shtup even once. Do you have a reference for proof that this “tushy-shtup” creation of yours is being used by anyone but yourself and a couple of 7th-grader boys at Solomon Schechter in NJ?

  2. jewdar

    You comment makes even less sense to me than it does to mrnghts. “Schmeckle,” like “petzel,” is actually a legitimate Yiddish diminutive. “Tushy-Shtup” isn’t even Yinglish, it’s just your own dorky private language used between you and your imaginary fr

  3. mrnhghts

    Maybe if dreidel_hustler actually learned a few words in Yiddish, he wouldn’t need to make up words and declare them Yiddish.

    So. Let me recommend a few places to start. The Workmen’s Circle, a fine social-democratic institution, offers Yiddish courses,


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