The Most Shocking Porn Parody of the Season: Roseanne XXX

Back in the 80s, only depraved adolescents cursed with a flannel fetish pleasured themselves to the Roseanne show (and only if my parents happened to be in the other part of the house). Today, thanks to Hustler’s parody series, everyone can enjoy the sexualization of the lower-middle class. Kelly Shibari makes for a lusciously zaftig (and Asian!) domestic goddess. Also, keep an “eye” out for Violet Monroe’s surprising resemblance to “Darlene,” complete with a spot-on imitation of the droll monotone that made Sara Gilbert a star.

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About The Author


Steven enjoys alliteration and quirky line drawings. His turn-offs include broken links, enriched uranium and Holocaust denial.

3 Responses

  1. big al

    kelly nails her laugh and the darlene talent is spot on. totally looks like melissa gilberts sister, no? found the dvd on


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