"Papercut Masochist" from DARK CORNERS OF A LIGHT SOUL
Your show is called Dark Corners of a Light Soul. Where’d that name came from? You got a light soul with dark corners?
I definitely have a light soul but this collection brought me into darker areas of my life. I allowed myself to delve into dark, frustrating and neurotic places, the ones you never really want to get into. In a way the show is a de-peacocking; we keep a smiley face on for the world, wearing flashy bright color clothing to get attention, then arrive home, let our guard down, feel everything and the colors fade.
So this show is darker than previous shows…
My work usually has a lot of lightness and colors that pop. This collection has taken on darker hues but I never loose sight of color even if it’s a simple drip or dusting.
Your work is “mixed-media,” A mix of what?
My process is all about layering and mark-making. When I use different mediums the process becomes endless. I love to use acrylics, spray paints, glitter, gold leaf, construction materials, magazine clippings and in my latest works, silhouettes from target ranges.
What’s the significance of the shooting-range target?
The significance of the silhouettes is representations of how each individual becomes a target. Whether it is through our own self-torment or how others treat us. I wanted to bring awareness to people in order to show how the layers can be stripped away so our true selves can live.
Your work is “street-art influenced,” how so? Any specific artists?
I wouldn’t say there is one specific artist who has inspired me recently but a collective. Since I live in the meatpacking district I am surrounded by street art, advertisements, and poetry that run along the buildings. All the pieces add up to a story conveyed that is universal and diverse. That is what inspires me to create a specific mark use of color to add another layer.
There’s a spiritual vibe to your work, is that the case? Do your Jewish roots play into your art at all?
I am spiritual. To me it is the energy that surrounds us everyday. The inspirations of the people and environment. I have a strong tie to my roots and traditions and Judaism always come through my work in some way, though what that way is, is tough to say.
If money were no object, what art would you own in your home?
Anything by Yves Klein, Jose Parla or Basquiat.
DARK CORNERS OF A LIGHT SOUL opens with a public reception Thursday May 17 (7–10p) and runs May 17–23 402 West 13th St. http://lindseywilner.com
This work is mindless and uninspiring.