Hanukkah is almost over, and at this point I’m pretty over Hanukkah, too.
Sure it’s fine on its own – nice, even – but when Jews get all huffy with a seasonal inferiority complex, we start to sound a little desperate. Look, Hanukkah’s not Christmas, it’s not Thanksgiving, it’s not even particularly important in the scheme of Jewish holidays. Some advice to people trying to turn the festival of lights into something it’s not:

Only “Hanukkah”
That’s why Rachel Bloom‘s latest video, “Happy Epic Chanukah,” is the perfect denouement for a holiday that’s long overstayed its welcome – it’s a a pitch-perfect satire on the tendency to take Hanukkah and inflate it to “epic” proportions (also, it’s got General Zod, and a gastrointestinally challenged diety. So, yeah, it’s speakin’ my language).
Hanukkah is finally (almost) over. Let’s send it off with a bang.
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