Additional reporting by Karen Bookatz
And we’re back—worn and world-weary and full of amazing stories from our time in Chicago. We talked to an array of folks–from the amazing to the just plain bizarre (more on that later), and we’ll be sharing those stories over the course of the week.
First off, check out our interviews with some of Pitchfork’s most promising up-and-comers: The Vivian Girls, Cymbals Eat Guitars, Ponytail and The Antlers. We went backstage at the festival to ask these musicians a mix of four questions:
1). What band (besides your own) are you most excited to see perform?
2). Who’s hotter: Bar Refaeli or Natalie Portman?
3). How do you like your bagel?
4). Harem pants or skinny jeans?
Read on for their answers (Spoiler: Band boys like them some Natalie).

The Vivian Girls’ Ali and Katy
Apocalypse (They were not actually playing at Pitchfork…)
Skinny jeans or harem pants?
Skinny jeans
Katy: Everything
Ali: Sesame

Grizzly Bear
Bar or Natalie?
Neil: Bar
Matt: Natalie
Brian: Bar
Joe: Natalie
Neil: Lox, scallions, cream cheese, onions and tomatoes on an everything bagel–toasted twice
Matt: Egg everything bagel, bacon, egg and cheese
Brian: Whole wheat everything bagel, capers, onions, tomatoes, lox and cream cheese with a slice of lemon
Joe: Egg everything bagel, jalapeno, cream cheese, cheddar jack and egg

Ponytail’s Jeremy and Molly
The Killer Whales
Bar or Natalie?
Jeremy: Everything
Molly: Pumpernickel

Peter: The Flaming Lips
Darby: M83
Michael: The National
Bar or Natalie?
Peter: Natalie
Darby: Natalie
Michael: Bar
Peter: Wheat bagel with veggie cream cheese
Darby: Egg everything bagel with lox spread
Michael: Sesame bagel with light veggie cream cheese
The correct answer is: b) Natalie
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