Ah, the beauty of German engineering. This time, the Deustchlanders came up with the poetically named “Piss-Screen”:http://www.piss-screen.de/, a video game where you control the movement of your car by the direction and flow of your pee (needless to say, this is a game for men only).
The funniest part about the whole thing is that the creators of Piss-Screen hope that the game has helped curb drunk driving in Germany:
The overall design of the driving game was similar in style to that of Need for Speed, requiring relatively quick reactions. Obviously the more drunk you are, the slower your response, reinforcing the effects of alcohol to the gamer. The game ultimately culminates in a shocking crash-sequence, leaving the viewer with little doubt as to the repercussions of driving while drunk.
The real lesson may be that if you drink you’re less good at video games. But then again, I’m pretty sure that people who play video games at home are usually drunk. Just google “drunk wii.”
Via “Boing Boing”:http://www.boingboing.net
“But then again, I’m pretty sure that people who play video games at home are usually drunk.”
No. They are stoned.
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