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Shoe and Tell

When that guy threw a shoe at Bush, whatever your politics, you had to give him points for originality. Like anything, though, the more times you copy it, the more it fades. A guy threw a shoe at the Chinese pr...
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_Che_: The _Heeb_ Review

by Jed Oelbaum Ernesto Guevara, doctor, Jedi freedom fighter, popular T-shirt design and the subject of Steven Soderbergh's fawning four and a half hour Che, was executed in Bolivia, already beaten down by the ...
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In Case You Missed Diamond Days

Diamond Days Fest 2008 started off with a mellow Thursday evening show at Mama Buzz cafe in Oakland, CA. Emily Jane White gave Cat Power and Emily Haines a run for their money with soulful vocals and power pian...
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No Soup For You

Ever since Jessica Seinfeld appeared on _Oprah_ to hawk her book _Deceptively Delicious_, which instructs how to con your kids into eating cookies baked with pureed veggies, the Internet has been abuzz with cri...