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The MC Paul Barman Show

Can you believe it's been five years since a shaggy, Brown-educated "MC Paul Barman": boasted "My dandy voice makes the most anti-choice granny's panties moist"? He's still a mangy m...
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Image Unconscious

"Israel is viewed as a very macho society," David Saranga (the head honcho of media and public affairs at Israel's consulate in New York) tells "_The Jerusalem Post_.":
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Triumph of the Ill

We missed them at SXSW, but a couple of months ago, _Heeb_ rabbinic authority Berel B introduced us to "The Whitest Kids U' Know": at Piano's. Tonight, their new series debuts on...
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Hasidic Hijinx

You may recognize some of the faces from our "Hanukkah hijacking of the Mitzvah Tank": _Heeb_ Founder Jennifer Bleyer goes inside the only religious movement ever named...
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_Heeb_ at SXSW (The Hangover)

Woke up in bed with "JDub": Director of Marketing, Elliot Fox (a perfect gentleman). Managed to stagger out to the street and find a cab to the "Kerbey Lane Café ":http://www.kerbeyl...
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_Heeb_ at SXSW (People Watching)

Other than music and Tex-Mex, people watching is probably the most enjoyable pastime at SXSW. Our friends at "Smith Magazine": have posted a hyster...
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_Heeb_ at SXSW (Times New Viking)

While "Lily Allen":, " Amy Winehouse": and "The Good, The Bad & The Queen": generated the largest crowds and t...
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_Heeb_ at SXSW (Going to Church)

The next few hours are kind of a drunken whirlwind: "Sloan": at the "Dollhouse": _Jane_ Party ("_Jane_ Magazine": had the best...
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_Heeb_ at SXSW (Insound Showcase)

The _Heeb_ crew wakes up around noon and grabs brunch at a pretty mediocre Tex-Mex joint. "Michael Showalter":, "Eugene Mirman": and "Aziz Ansari":htt...
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_Heeb_ at SXSW (Night One)

"The Dears": and "Bloc Party": play at Stubb's. I'm drinking my eleventh or so Shiner Bock when I spot former human "Dennis Miller":