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Hump Day Helper

Cheer up! This video of Snoop Dogg on Martha Stewart is the funniest thing I've seen all week. I nearly died when she tries to say "off da chizzle for shizzle."...
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Jewish Mafia Kingpin Dead

Ya'acov Alperon, the Don of Israel's largest crime family, was killed in a car bombing yesterday. He has previously survived two other car bomb attempts as well as a grenade being thrown at his home. It is not ...
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The Truth Behind Madonna’s English Accent

In breaking news Good Morning America finally explains to the nation the mystery behind Foreign Accent Syndrome, AKA the high-browing of Midwestern housewives and anglophiles like Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow. T...
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Bibi Jeebies

Israeli politician, Benjamin Netanyahu's campaign website is a blatant rip-off of President Elect Obama's, right down to the fonts and social networking options. I can't decide if it makes it more or less emba...
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Who is Martin Eisenstadt?

You may remember him as the alleged source behind the Sarah Palin/Africa leak. He revealed himself as a McCain policy advisor, and few in the blogosphere/mainstream media questioned his legtimacy. Turns out, h...
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Now Crystal Clear

Since Dan Akroyd's digital endorsement for Crystal Head Vodka infested the Internet tubes, moviegoing boozehounds have been scratching their heads. Many dismiss the viral vid as a fake, a marketing ploy to both...
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Guttenberg Tuchus Update

When I first saw the video of Police Academy's Steve Guttenberg "caught" jogging around with his dong and backside hanging out of an oversized sleeveless tee, I had my suspicions. If you watch closely...

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