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With staple dishes like blood pudding and jellied eels it's no wonder that our chums across the pond have long been struggling with their ‘worst cuisine in the world' PR crisis. Now, one London- based coffee...
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Say Privyet to My Bitter Friend!

Sure, being in the American military has its advantages - namely, access to big, noisy killing machines - but it also has its drawbacks. Like street fighting in an Iraqi city whose name you can't pronounce. Oh,...
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Performance Art

Anyone who's a regular listener of The Howard Stern Show on Sirius Satelitte Radio is aware of sidekick Artie Lange's short fuse, but the comedian's combustions in past (like the one last Halloween when he thre...
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Something Smells Fishy

When we first saw Media Bistro/Fish Bowl NY's blog post on the trials and tribulations of America's Favorite MagazineTM, we were thrilled that we had achieved that Britney-esque level of fame in which all of ou...
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Stuff Unoriginal People Like

A little while ago we posted our interview with Stuff White People Like's brilliant Christian Lander. Since then, his blog has spawned numerous inept imitators including: Stuff Asian People Like Stuff Brown Peo...
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Chuck Norris a Hit

I can sort of sympathize as I've been getting douchechills over those cornball Mike Huckabee endorsements from Chuck Norris, lately. But the two New Jersey kiddos arrested this week for keeping a hit list that ...
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Film Dub

Josh Brolin is set to star as The Idiot. James Cromwell will play his dad. Meanwhile, some historians are miffed at that the script portrays the president as a "foul-mouthed, reformed drunk obsessed with b...
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Reach Out and Torch Someone

I don't protest much. At least not in the active, paint a sign and march with it sort of way. But every once in awhile when people take to the streets and shut down traffic in San Francisco I am immensely proud...
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The Loneliest Iranian

In response to a tidal wave of protest against an anti-Muslim film made by a Dutch politician, an Iranian Jewish lawmaker (somehow still possible) called for the followers of all religions to protest sacrilege ...
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RASL Dazzle

The most highly anticipated comic book in years (aside from the sequel to Frank Miller's Dark Knight) doesn't feature superheroes, nor is it published by Marvel or DC. No, the title that's got graphic novel-hea...