Matisyahu/ModernTribe Sweepstakes: Win a $500 Shopping Spree

Matsyahu’s record label is giving away a bunch of bagel-biting fan boy crap (Matisyahu albums, tickets, sweatshirts, posters, T-shirts, etc) and online Judaica merchant ModernTribe has sweetened the pot with a $500 shopping spree.

Let me repeat that: a $500 shopping spree.

ModernTribe carries a lot more than just menorahs and tzedakah boxes. All kinds of cool shit up in there. My fav? Those really amazing-smelling Kobo candles, perfect for certain parts of the office.

Register to win here.

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About The Author

Brian Abrams

5 Responses

  1. whoeveryouthinkiam

    So why does this post say “Advertisement” but posts on DuDu who is touring or any other post on any other subject with commercial content don’t? Were you paid to do this post? How much does it cost?

  2. Puck

    Surely the real scandal is the suggestion that one can have a shopping ‘spree’ with $500…g-d…where are you people shopping? :P


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