Links For Sarah Silverman And Her Best Bud Jesus

Wait_ll_You_Hear_What_Jesus_Tells_Sarah_Silverman_In_Her_New_PSA-2Wait’ll you hear what Jesus tells Sarah Silverman in her new PSA (Huffington Post)

Scarlett Johansson won’t back down on Israeli ad campaign (Fox News)

‘Netanyahu’s son follows his heart – into Norwegian arms'(Haaretz)

Refugees in Our Own Country (Time)

Twice Born Souls: “Cut Me Loose,” by Leah Vincent (Unpious)

Does It Matter That Lena Dunham Was Photoshopped By ‘Vogue’? (NPR)

Israel Exposed:Learning from the Band Vaadat Charigm (Paper)

Meet The Dark Enlightenment: sophisticated neo-fascism that’s spreading fast on the net (The Telegraph)

Noah’s Ark Prototype Was Round, 4,000 Year Old Tablet Suggests (Huffington Post)

NYC Woman Discusses Life As A Sex Dungeon Worker (Gothamist)

Jesse Eisenberg gets X-rated photobomb (NY Post)

The tragedy of the lost Yemenite children: In the footsteps of the adoptees (972 Mag)

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