According to a soon-to-be-released study by the U.S. Department of Justice, "johns" who attend a "john school" are thirty percent less likely to pay for sex again. The john school concept began in San Francisco, which is better known for progressive ideas like sending johns to school than prostitution, and was quickly adopted by 39 other cities around the country. The Department of Justice study compares data on 5,000 johns who attended the San Francisco school, which was started and is largely staffed by former prostitutes, with 75,000 other California johns who did not attend a schoo
First-time johns can pay $1,000 for the school in exchange for a dropped charge. School is in session on Saturday afternoons, and consists of a series of presentations about the perils of sex trafficking. There are numerous reasons that john school could work, but we’re guessing that it’s more the fine and the former prostitute telling you how much she hated sex with johns than the high school sex ed.-style photos of VD.
Of course, this being San Francisco, the schools also have their critics, namely sex worker advocates and public defenders who say the schools stigmatize prostitution and unfairly target low-income men.
Um, if you can’t afford the fine, don’t park in an illegal zone, know what I mean?
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