Heeb Fashion: Fall/Winter DOs and DON’Ts for Women

‘Tis the season for parties and shopping, that familiar time of year when you find yourself in the thick of the crowds, humming bad Christmas music and searching for that perfect party look. And while it isn’t the calmest time of year to browse the racks, and frankly prices aren’t quite the deals of January or February, we know you just can’t help yourself. To aid you in your holiday shopping, here’s a list of this season’s Heeb approved fashions for women.

DO: Bright Fitted Pants

Zara Skinny Trousers $59.90 (zara.com)

DON’T: Neon Leggings

These kids take Lisa Frank to a whole other level.

DO: Granny Plaids

Wrangler Women's Pink Plaid Shirt $16.99 (sheplers.com)

 DO: Birth Control Glasses”

Warby Parker $95 (warbyparker.com)

DO: Turtlenecks

American Apparel Cotton Spandex Jersey Long Sleeve Turtleneck $30 (americanapparel.net)

DON’T: Bright Colored Tights

DO: Textured or Lace Tights

photo via La Douleur Exquise

DO: The Working Girl Dress

Banana Republic Gemma Wrap Dress $88 (bananarepublic.com)

DON’T: The Super-Mini

You don't want to give the impression you're that kind of working girl.

DO: Patterned Cardigans

Heritage 1981 Long Line Cardigan $44.90 (forever21.com)

DON’T: Tuxedo Jackets

DO: Clog Boots

Swedish Hasbeens (earth-friendly!) $399 (piperlime.com) photo via FabulousInParkSlope

DON’T: Over-the-Knee Boots

Besides for Julia Roberts circa "Pretty Woman," really, who else can pull these off? Though they did provide function for her. (photo via collegefashion.net)

DO: Penny Loafers

Bass Women's Waylon Penny Loafer $70.99 (endless.com)

DON’T: Stiletto Platform Pumps

Who still shops at Bebe? (bebe.com)

What do you think?

About The Author


Product of the Westchester prep school, Abigail learned the etiquette of lawn parties with porcelain Barbies from the age of 5. Now graduated to bankers and lawyers of the most rarified knickerbocker circles, she is like Ivory soap 99 and 44/100th percent pure.

5 Responses

  1. Jerry Hecktman

    I’m OK with most of the DO’s and DON’T’s except the embargo on over-the-knee boots. What’s wrong with protection from the snow, slush and cold? May I add that you seem to agree with this functionality despite the slashed circle, so why the ‘thumbs down’? And if she also deplores ‘super-mini’ skirts, she should be pleased that the more leg covering the better. I see this look all the time in Chicago.

  2. SASS

    I’m not giving up my brightly coloured tights. But this may just prove that I’m several years behind on the fashion trends.

  3. Jane

    Great article! A great site for dresses that has a lot of tznius options, I prefer to go to empresscouture.com

  4. Kelly

    this is quite funny saying what you can and cannot wear.
    I def disagree with the ‘no’ on over-the-knee boots and mini skirts/dresses! :) Those two actually go pretty well with each other.


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