Leave it to a blogger named BaconJew (“I’m a Jew and I love bacon”) to jump on the bandwagon of the national, bacon craze, by taking the Bacon Explosion (sausage, wrapped in a sheet of woven bacon, and then barbequed) and adding cheese, egg and croissant dough to create the Bacon Wellington. Much more delicious than the bacon scarf, this smorgasbord of treyf goodness adds a few thousand calories to the original dish and turns it into a delightful breakfast treat.
my yiddishe neshama weeps. i hope the aibershter has mercy on the scarfers of these poor little piggies. why advertise the chazer? can’t you eat a knish for breakfast?
a bacon knish?
Yes…cooked bacon…cooked with heat…possibly from a fire…speaking of fires…
That was quite a segue if I do say so myself.
Looks like a game of hide the kosher salami to me.
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